Ghassan Karame, Claudio Soriente, Hubert Ritzdorf, Srdjan Capkun
Publication date
Patent office
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A method for storing a data file,‘DF’on a storage entity,‘SE’includes a computing entity,‘CE’, chunking the DF into a number of blocks using a one-way-function and a chunking key. The CE may compute a hash value for each of the blocks. One or more proxies,‘PE’, may check whether the blocks are already stored, resulting in a first number of already stored blocks and a second number of blocks not being stored. The CE may encrypt the blocks not being stored using an encryption key, transmit the encrypted blocks to the SE for storing, and inform the PE about the hash value of each of the transmitted blocks and corresponding storage location information of the transmitted blocks.
Scholar articles
G Karame, C Soriente, H Ritzdorf, S Capkun - US Patent 10,819,506, 2020