Anthony Peter Fejes
Anthony Peter Fejes
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Profiling the HeLa S3 transcriptome using randomly primed cDNA and massively parallel short-read sequencing
RD Morin, M Bainbridge, A Fejes, M Hirst, M Krzywinski, TJ Pugh, ...
Biotechniques 45 (1), 81-94, 2008
Recurrent somatic DICER1 mutations in nonepithelial ovarian cancers
A Heravi-Moussavi, MS Anglesio, SWG Cheng, J Senz, W Yang, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 366 (3), 234-242, 2012
FindPeaks 3.1: a tool for identifying areas of enrichment from massively parallel short-read sequencing technology
AP Fejes, G Robertson, M Bilenky, R Varhol, M Bainbridge, SJM Jones
Bioinformatics 24 (15), 1729-1730, 2008
Mutations in EZH2 cause Weaver syndrome
WT Gibson, RL Hood, SH Zhan, DE Bulman, AP Fejes, R Moore, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 90 (1), 110-118, 2012
Genome-wide relationship between histone H3 lysine 4 mono-and tri-methylation and transcription factor binding
AG Robertson, M Bilenky, A Tam, Y Zhao, T Zeng, N Thiessen, T Cezard, ...
Genome research 18 (12), 1906-1917, 2008
A new algorithm for RNA secondary structure design
M Andronescu, AP Fejes, F Hutter, HH Hoos, A Condon
Journal of molecular biology 336 (3), 607-624, 2004
Evolution of an adenocarcinoma in response to selection by targeted kinase inhibitors
SJM Jones, J Laskin, YY Li, OL Griffith, J An, M Bilenky, YS Butterfield, ...
Genome biology 11, 1-12, 2010
Recurrent targets of aberrant somatic hypermutation in lymphoma
AH Khodabakhshi, RD Morin, AP Fejes, AJ Mungall, KL Mungall, ...
Oncotarget 3 (11), 1308, 2012
GPSM2 mutations cause the brain malformations and hearing loss in Chudley-McCullough syndrome
D Doherty, AE Chudley, G Coghlan, GE Ishak, AM Innes, EG Lemire, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 90 (6), 1088-1093, 2012
De novo motif identification improves the accuracy of predicting transcription factor binding sites in ChIP-Seq data analysis
V Boeva, D Surdez, N Guillon, F Tirode, AP Fejes, O Delattre, E Barillot
Nucleic acids research 38 (11), e126-e126, 2010
DNA methylation, genotype and gene expression: who is driving and who is along for the ride?
MJ Jones, AP Fejes, MS Kobor
Genome biology 14, 1-3, 2013
Gene expression profiling of oxidative stress response of C. elegans aging defective AMPK mutants using massively parallel transcriptome sequencing
H Shin, H Lee, AP Fejes, DL Baillie, HS Koo, SJM Jones
BMC research notes 4, 1-16, 2011
The VAAST Variant Prioritizer (VVP): ultrafast, easy to use whole genome variant prioritization tool
S Flygare, EJ Hernandez, L Phan, B Moore, M Li, A Fejes, H Hu, K Eilbeck, ...
Bmc Bioinformatics 19, 1-13, 2018
System and method for simulating the time-dependent behaviour of atomic and/or molecular systems subject to static or dynamic fields
AP Fejes, JS Vieceli, S Rahnama, G Swaminathan
US Patent App. 11/581,075, 2008
Shotgun proteomic analysis of a chromatophore-enriched preparation from the purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris
AP Fejes, EC Yi, DR Goodlett, JT Beatty
Photosynthesis research 78, 195-203, 2003
System and method for modeling interactions
AP Fejes, G Swaminathan, JS Vieceli
US Patent 7,769,573, 2010
Human variation database: an open-source database template for genomic discovery
AP Fejes, AH Khodabakhshi, I Birol, SJM Jones
Bioinformatics 27 (8), 1155-1156, 2011
DaVIE: database for the visualization and integration of epigenetic data
AP Fejes, MJ Jones, MS Kobor
Frontiers in Genetics 5, 325, 2014
ChIP‐Seq: Mapping of Protein–DNA Interactions
AP Fejes, SJM Jones
Next Generation Genome Sequencing: Towards Personalized Medicine, 201-215, 2008
Drug Discovery in the bioinformatics Age
G Duggan, A Fejes, C Ingram, M Salazar, M Sirski
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Articles 1–20