Steven Kleinman
Cited by
Cited by
Preelection selective exposure: Confirmation bias versus informational utility
S Knobloch-Westerwick, SB Kleinman
Communication research 39 (2), 170-193, 2012
Turn a blind eye if you care: Impacts of attitude consistency, importance, and credibility on seeking of political information and implications for attitudes
A Westerwick, SB Kleinman, S Knobloch-Westerwick
Journal of Communication 63 (3), 432-453, 2013
Comparing general and political discussion networks within voluntary organizations using social network analysis
WP Eveland, SB Kleinman
Political Behavior 35, 65-87, 2013
The changing landscape of grading systems in US higher education
SB Kleinman, MB Leidman, AJ Longcore
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 22 (1), 26-33, 2018
Political Talk Preferences: Selection of Similar and Different Discussion Partners and Groups
A Morey, S Kleinman, M Boukes
International Journal of Communication 12 (2018), 359-379, 2018
“Anyone else? Is this normal?”: anonymously seeking information on the Ovia Pregnancy App
AV Ortiz Juarez-Paz, EF Doherty, SL Storch, RB Kallis, SB Kleinman
Atlantic Journal of Communication 31 (1), 30-51, 2023
Willingness to communicate about politics (WTCAP): A novel measure of interpersonal political discussion
SB Kleinman, E Kleinman
Studies in Communication Sciences 15 (2), 173-181, 2015
It's not always about the issues: The role of perceived personality trait similarity on interpersonal political discussion.
SB Kleinman
The Ohio State University, 2013
How Race Affects Simply Having versus Actually Choosing: Cross-Race Political Discussion Partners
WP Eveland, O Appiah, JA Long, SB Kleinman
Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie, 137-168, 2023
Is that a hand up or is it a new post? Examining differences in motivations to participate in online and offline classroom discussion.
SB Kleinman, EM Kleinman
Journal of Communication Media Studies 7 (1), 2016
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Articles 1–10