Alexander Ihler
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Cited by
Fast collapsed gibbs sampling for latent dirichlet allocation
I Porteous, D Newman, A Ihler, A Asuncion, P Smyth, M Welling
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2008
Nonparametric belief propagation for self-calibration in sensor networks
AT Ihler, JW Fisher III, RL Moses, AS Willsky
Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Information processing in …, 2004
Nonparametric belief propagation and facial appearance estimation
EB Sudderth, AT Ihler, WT Freeman, AS Willsky
Loopy belief propagation: convergence and effects of message errors.
AT Ihler, JW Fisher III, AS Willsky, DM Chickering
Journal of Machine Learning Research 6 (5), 2005
Variational inference for crowdsourcing
Q Liu, J Peng, AT Ihler
Advances in neural information processing systems 25, 2012
Adaptive event detection with time-varying poisson processes
A Ihler, J Hutchins, P Smyth
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2006
Nonparametric belief propagation
EB Sudderth, AT Ihler, M Isard, WT Freeman, AS Willsky
Communications of the ACM 53 (10), 95-103, 2010
Brain and muscle Arnt-like protein-1 (BMAL1) controls circadian cell proliferation and susceptibility to UVB-induced DNA damage in the epidermis
M Geyfman, V Kumar, Q Liu, R Ruiz, W Gordon, F Espitia, E Cam, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (29), 11758-11763, 2012
Distributed fusion in sensor networks
M Cetin, L Chen, JW Fisher, AT Ihler, RL Moses, MJ Wainwright, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 23 (4), 42-55, 2006
Circadian clock genes contribute to the regulation of hair follicle cycling
KK Lin, V Kumar, M Geyfman, D Chudova, AT Ihler, P Smyth, R Paus, ...
PLoS genetics 5 (7), e1000573, 2009
Particle belief propagation
A Ihler, D McAllester
Artificial intelligence and statistics, 256-263, 2009
A deep neural network modeling framework to reduce bias in satellite precipitation products
Y Tao, X Gao, K Hsu, S Sorooshian, A Ihler
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (3), 931-945, 2016
Efficient multiscale sampling from products of Gaussian mixtures
A Ihler, E Sudderth, W Freeman, A Willsky
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 2003
Learning Scale Free Networks by Reweighted regularization
Q Liu, A Ihler
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2011
Time-restricted feeding shifts the skin circadian clock and alters UVB-induced DNA damage
H Wang, E van Spyk, Q Liu, M Geyfman, ML Salmans, V Kumar, A Ihler, ...
Cell reports 20 (5), 1061-1072, 2017
Variational algorithms for marginal MAP
Q Liu, A Ihler
Bounding the Partition Function using Holder's Inequality.
Q Liu, A Ihler
ICML, 849-856, 2011
Fast planar correlation clustering for image segmentation
J Yarkony, A Ihler, CC Fowlkes
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
A two-stage deep neural network framework for precipitation estimation from bispectral satellite information
Y Tao, K Hsu, A Ihler, X Gao, S Sorooshian
Journal of Hydrometeorology 19 (2), 393-408, 2018
Learning to detect events with markov-modulated poisson processes
A Ihler, J Hutchins, P Smyth
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 1 (3), 13-es, 2007
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Articles 1–20