C Chams, P Mansoori, F Shahram, M Akbarian, F Gharibdoost, F Davatehi
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The annual number of patients seen in the Beh~ et's Disease Research Unit is around 1000 from which 300 are new patients. The systemic dermatologic examination of these patients shows, beside the classical mucous membrane and skin manifestations, atypical lesions with the same recurrent characteristics of other BD lesions. In this study we try to describe and to show the iconography of these lesions. MUCOUS MEMBRANE LESIONS: 1-Oral Aphthosis: beside the classical forms, punctiform or herpetiform and rarely giant forms were seen. Rarely the atypical forms have a striated pattern like lichel planus. 2-Genital aphthosis: giant aphthous lesions of the vulva (Lipschutz) were frequently seen, leaving indelible cicatrix. In males it is seen on the scrotum, the penis shaft, but also on the meatus. In both sex the lesion may be seen on the anus. 3-Ulceration: they are relatively frequent. The etiology may be sometimes difficult to diagnose. It may be giant, punctuated, or fissural. The superficial and confluent forms are difficult to differentiate from pemphigus vulgaris without histologic proof. 4-Purpura and erythema.
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