Ehud Altman, Kenneth R Brown, Giuseppe Carleo, Lincoln D Carr, Eugene Demler, Cheng Chin, Brian DeMarco, Sophia E Economou, Mark A Eriksson, Kai-Mei C Fu, Markus Greiner, Kaden RA Hazzard, Randall G Hulet, Alicia J Kollár, Benjamin L Lev, Mikhail D Lukin, Ruichao Ma, Xiao Mi, Shashank Misra, Christopher Monroe, Kater Murch, Zaira Nazario, Kang-Kuen Ni, Andrew C Potter, Pedram Roushan, Mark Saffman, Monika Schleier-Smith, Irfan Siddiqi, Raymond Simmonds, Meenakshi Singh, IB Spielman, Kristan Temme, David S Weiss, Jelena Vučković, Vladan Vuletić, Jun Ye, Martin Zwierlein
Publication date
PRX quantum
American Physical Society
Quantum simulators are a promising technology on the spectrum of quantum devices from specialized quantum experiments to universal quantum computers. These quantum devices utilize entanglement and many-particle behavior to explore and solve hard scientific, engineering, and computational problems. Rapid development over the last two decades has produced more than 300 quantum simulators in operation worldwide using a wide variety of experimental platforms. Recent advances in several physical architectures promise a golden age of quantum simulators ranging from highly optimized special purpose simulators to flexible programmable devices. These developments have enabled a convergence of ideas drawn from fundamental physics, computer science, and device engineering. They have strong potential to address problems of societal importance, ranging from understanding vital chemical …
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Scholar articles
E Altman, KR Brown, G Carleo, LD Carr, E Demler… - PRX quantum, 2021