In Northern Cyprus, agricultural irrigation occupies the great part of the total water extractions from the aquifers. The amount is about 70% for the agriculture, and the remaining is used in the domestic consumption including the small industrial sector in the country. The water extractions vary between 100 MCM and 140 MCM per year. This amount depends principally on the cultivated area during the year. However, the safe yield of the aquifers in the country is about 74.1 MCM. This over extractions resulted in sea water intrusion to the only underneath water resources in the country since 1960s. This phenomenon caused degradation in the water quality in the aquifers and as a result an important decrease in the crop production. Despite the statistical data revealing that the present degradation and the reduced crop production is not economic, the water extractions still carries on aggravating the seawater intrusion due to misbelieve among farmers. The traditional crops grown in the country nowadays are not suitable for this contaminated water; hence, the new crops must be chosen which is suitable not only for the water quality but also to the soil characteristics and regional climate under land reclamation. Additionally, the water quantity in the regional aquifers should be considered and the safe yields should not be either met. For this reason, the necessity of the land reclamation has been investigated under IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management) considering a balance in the supply and demand water and water quality, soil characteristics, climate, consumption water need and economic value by crops.