Samuel Walker
Cited by
Cited by
Urban agriculture and the sustainability fix in Vancouver and Detroit
S Walker
Urban Geography 37 (2), 163-182, 2016
Will work for food: Agricultural interns, apprentices, volunteers, and the agrarian question
M Ekers, CZ Levkoe, S Walker, B Dale
Agriculture and human values 33, 705-720, 2016
Beyond inclusion: Toward an anti-colonial food justice praxis
L Kepkiewicz, M Chrobok, M Whetung, M Cahuas, J Gill, S Walker, ...
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 5 (4), 99-104, 2015
Tearing down the city to save it?‘Back-door regionalism’and the demolition coalition in Cleveland, Ohio
E Rosenman, S Walker
Environment and Planning A 48 (2), 273-291, 2016
Have craft breweries followed or led gentrification in Portland, Oregon? An investigation of retail and neighbourhood change
S Walker, C Fox Miller
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101 (2), 102-117, 2019
The shrinkage machine: race, class, and the renewal of urban capital
E Rosenman, S Walker, E Wyly
Uprooting Urban America: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on Race, Class, and …, 2014
Growing ideology: urban agriculture in Vancouver and Detroit
S Walker
University of British Columbia, 2013
Crisis-opportunity, liability-asset: Governing vacant land reuse in Cleveland, Ohio
S Walker
University of Toronto (Canada), 2018
Kimberley Kinder 2016: DIY Detroit: Making Do in a City without Services. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
S Walker
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (5), 1064-1066, 2016
The practice of demolishing abandoned houses in Cleveland, Ohio is limited in its capacity to address underlying causes ofhousing injustice
S Walker, E Rosenman
USApp–American Politics and Policy Blog, 2016
Clinical Labor By Melinda Cooper And Catherine Waldby
S Walker, A Mahoney
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Articles 1–11