Monica Lassi
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring new ways of working using virtual research environments in library and information science
DH Sonnenwald, M Lassi, N Olson, M Ponti, AS Axelsson
Library Hi Tech 27 (2), 191-204, 2009
Identifying factors that may impact the adoption and use of a social science collaboratory: a synthesis of previous research
M Lassi, DH Sonnenwald
IR Information Research 15, 2010
Automatic thesaurus construction
M Lassi
University College of Boars, Tech. Rep, 2002
Research data services: An exploration of requirements at two Swedish universities
M Lassi, M Johnsson, K Golub
IFLA journal 42 (4), 266-277, 2016
SDI planning using the system dynamics technique within a community of practice: lessons learnt from Tanzania
A Mansourian, A Lubida, P Pilesjö, E Abdolmajidi, M Lassi
Geo-spatial Information Science 18 (2-3), 97-110, 2015
Copyright and the Web as Corpus
C Hemming, M Lassi
The socio-technical design of a library and information science collaboratory
DH Lassi, M. & Sonnenwald
Information Research 18 (2), 2013
Facilitating collaboration: exploring a socio-technical approach to the design of a collaboratory for Library and Information Science
M Lassi
University of Gothenburg & University of Borås, 2014
Rapport för projekt Verksamhetskartläggning forskningsdata: Ett underprojekt till uppdrag Samordning av universitetets hantering av forskningsdata
EL Hansson, M Lassi
Slutrapportering av samordning av universitetets hantering av forskningsdata
M Lassi
Hantering av forskningsdata vid fakulteterna inom Lunds universitet–en lägesbeskrivning hösten 2015
M Johnsson, M Lassi
Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet, 2016
Rapportering av projektet Forskares behov av lagringslösningar för forskningsdata–ett samarbete mellan SNIC, SND, SUNET, Chalmers tekniska högskola och Örebro universitet
M Lassi, EL Hansson, M Persson, O Olsson
SNIC, SUNET, SND, Chalmers, Örebro universitet, 2022
Datahanteringsplaner (DHP)–reflektioner bland ett antal Lundaforskare och från vissa forskningsfinansiärer
M Johnsson, C Tilgmann, M Bank, YH Özek, J Eriksson, M Lassi, C Smith
IFLA Journal. December 2016 [Special Issue: Research Data Services]
S Hickson, KA Poulton, M Connor, J Richardson, M Wolski, M Lassi, ...
Sage, 2016
Research Data Management from planning to analysis: A case study of the NanoMAX beamline station at MAX IV Laboratory
M Johnsson, M Lassi
En omvärldsanalys kring datahanteringsplaner
M Johnsson, C Tilgmann, M Bank, YH Özek, M Lassi, J Eriksson, C Smith
Stödtjänster för hantering av forskningsdata–möjligheter för forskningsbiblioteken
M Lassi, M Johnsson, C Smith, J Eriksson
INFOtrend 69 (1/2), 30-40, 2016
Spontaneous Reactions to an Anti-piracy Initiative: A Youtube Clip Micro Analysis
G Nelhans, HM Söderholm, J Nolin, M Klang, M Lassi
iConference 2013, 2013
“You Guys Who Download Stuff Illegally, Don’t You Ever Feel Guilty?”: Initial Analysis of Changes in Practices and Values Among Swedish Illegal File Sharers 2007-2012
HM Söderholm, M Lassi, G Nelhans, J Nolin
iConference, 2013
Teaching social media in LIS: a bridging approach
M Lassi, H Maurin Söderholm
ISSOME 2011: Information Science and Social Media – International Conference …, 2011
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Articles 1–20