Universitas Padjadjaran
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Knowledge, attitude, and practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: a review
IM Puspitasari, L Yusuf, RK Sinuraya, R Abdulah, H Koyama
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 727-733, 2020
Formulasi sediaan masker gel antioksidan dari ekstrak etanol biji melinjo (Gnetum gnemon Linn.)
S Septiani, N Wathoni, SR Mita
Jurnal Unpad 1 (1), 4-24, 2011
Formulasi dan uji stabilitas fisik sediaan gel antiseptik tangan minyak atsiri bunga lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller)
DP Astuti, P Husni, K Hartono
Farmaka 15 (1), 176-184, 2017
Kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside isolated from the leaves of Schima wallichii Korth. inhibits MCF-7 breast cancer cell proliferation through activation of the caspase cascade pathway
A Diantini, A Subarnas, K Lestari, ELI Halimah, Y Susilawati, S Supriyatna, ...
Oncology Letters 3 (5), 1069-1072, 2012
Identification of Compounds in the Essential Oil of Nutmeg Seeds (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) That Inhibit Locomotor Activity in Mice
Muchtaridi, A Subarnas, A Apriyantono, R Mustarichie
International journal of molecular sciences 11 (11), 4771-4781, 2010
Pemanfaatan selulosa dari limbah jerami padi (Oryza sativa) sebagai bahan bioplastik
R Pratiwi, D Rahayu, MI Barliana
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 3 (3), 83, 2016
Factors affecting preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer and methods on finding template-monomer interaction as the key of selective properties of the materials
AN Hasanah, N Safitri, A Zulfa, N Neli, D Rahayu
Molecules 26 (18), 5612, 2021
Aktivitas antiinflamasi berbagai tanaman diduga berasal dari flavonoid
NRM Manurung, SA Sumiwi
Farmaka 14 (2), 111-122, 2016
Analisis kandungan minyak atsiri dan uji aktivitas antiinflamasi ekstrak rimpang kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.)
AN Hasanah, F Nazaruddin, E Febrina, A Zuhrotun
Jurnal Matematika & Sains 16 (3), 147-152, 2011
Tingkat kepatuhan pengobatan pasien hipertensi di fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama di kota Bandung
RK Sinuraya, DP Destiani, IM Puspitasari, A Diantini
Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia 7 (2), 124-133, 2018
Ishikawa diagram dan failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) sebagai metode yang sering digunakan dalam manajemen risiko mutu di industri
Y Hisprastin, I Musfiroh
Maj. Farmasetika 6 (1), 1, 2020
Updates on clinical studies of selenium supplementation in radiotherapy
IM Puspitasari, R Abdulah, C Yamazaki, S Kameo, T Nakano, H Koyama
Radiation Oncology 9, 1-9, 2014
Antibiotic resistance in sepsis patients: evaluation and recommendation of antibiotic use
IS Pradipta, DC Sodik, K Lestari, I Parwati, E Halimah, A Diantini, ...
North American journal of medical sciences 5 (6), 344, 2013
Optimising factors affecting solid phase extraction performances of molecular imprinted polymer as recent sample preparation technique
GJ Maranata, NO Surya, AN Hasanah
Heliyon 7 (1), 2021
Karakteristik dan manfaat tumbuhan pisang di Indonesia: Review Artikel
HH Arifki, MI Barliana
Jurnal Farmaka 16 (3), 196-203, 2018
Biologi untuk SMA kelas X
I Syamsuri
Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004
Design-expert software sebagai alat optimasi formulasi sediaan farmasi
IR Hidayat, A Zuhrotun, I Sopyan
Majalah Farmasetika 6 (1), 99-120, 2021
Torch ginger (Etlingera elatior): A review on its botanical aspects, phytoconstituents and pharmacological activities
T Juwita, IM Puspitasari, J Levita
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 21 (4), 151-165, 2018
IPA biologi untuk SMP kelas VIII
I Syamsuri
Erlangga, 2021
Medication adherence among hypertensive patients in primary healthcare in Bandung City
RK Sinuraya, DP Destiani, IM Puspitasari, A Diantini
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 7 (2), 124-133, 2018
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