Song Yang
Cited by
Cited by
Modern proteomes contain putative imprints of ancient shifts in trace metal geochemistry
CL Dupont, S Yang, B Palenik, PE Bourne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (47), 17822-17827, 2006
Phylogeny determined by protein domain content
S Yang, RF Doolittle, PE Bourne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (2), 373-378, 2005
The evolutionary history of protein domains viewed by species phylogeny
S Yang, PE Bourne
PloS one 4 (12), e8378, 2009
Rationally designed bidirectional promoter improves the evolutionary stability of synthetic genetic circuits
S Yang, SC Sleight, HM Sauro
Nucleic acids research 41 (1), e33-e33, 2013
Nothing about protein structure classification makes sense except in the light of evolution
RE Valas, S Yang, PE Bourne
Current opinion in structural biology 19 (3), 329-334, 2009
Functionally conserved enhancers with divergent sequences in distant vertebrates
S Yang, N Oksenberg, S Takayama, SJ Heo, A Poliakov, N Ahituv, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-13, 2015
Evolution studied using protein structure
S Yang, R Valas, PE Bourne
Structural Bioinformatics. Wiley-Blackwell, 561-573, 2009
VISTA region viewer (RViewer)—a computational system for prioritizing genomic intervals for biomedical studies
I Lukashin, P Novichkov, D Boffelli, AR Paciorkowski, S Minovitsky, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (18), 2595-2597, 2011
Genome evolution studied through protein structure
PE Bourne, K Briedis, C Dupont, R Valas, S Yang
Evolutionary genomics and systems biology, 153-164, 2010
Evolution studied through protein structural domains
S Yang
University of California, San Diego, 2007
The next issue of this journal
R Valas, S Yang, P Bourne, MJ Sippl, BH Dessailly, OC Redfern, A Cuff, ...
When and where do protein folds come from? an evolutionary view
S Yang, P Bourne
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Articles 1–12