Megh Bhalerao
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Cited by
GaNDLF: the generally nuanced deep learning framework for scalable end-to-end clinical workflows
S Pati, SP Thakur, İE Hamamcı, U Baid, B Baheti, M Bhalerao, O Güley, ...
Communications Engineering 2 (1), 23, 2023
Brain tumor segmentation based on 3D residual U-Net
M Bhalerao, S Thakur
International MICCAI brainlesion workshop, 218-225, 2019
Improving semi-supervised domain adaptation using effective target selection and semantics
A Singh, N Doraiswamy, S Takamuku, M Bhalerao, T Dutta, S Biswas, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
GraphPrompt: Graph-based prompt templates for biomedical synonym prediction
H Xu, J Zhang, Z Wang, S Zhang, M Bhalerao, Y Liu, D Zhu, S Wang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (9), 10576 …, 2023
Expert tumor annotations and radiomics for locally advanced breast cancer in DCE-MRI for ACRIN 6657/I-SPY1
R Chitalia, S Pati, M Bhalerao, SP Thakur, N Jahani, V Belenky, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 440, 2022
Accelerating batch active learning using continual learning techniques
A Das, G Bhatt, M Bhalerao, V Gao, R Yang, J Bilmes
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06408, 2023
Pred&Guide: Labeled Target Class Prediction for Guiding Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation
MM Bhalerao, A Singh, S Biswas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.11975, 2022
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Articles 1–7