ATHLA : Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic, And Literature
ATHLA : Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic, And Literature
UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta
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Teaching Media in the Teaching of Arabic Language/Media Pembelajaran dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
D Gemilang, H Listiana
Discovery Learning Model in Learning Maharah Qira'ah in Senior High School/Model Discovery Learning pada Pembelajaran Maharah Qira’ah di Sekolah Menengah Atas
S Nurilngin
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 3 (1), 88-106, 2022
The Origin of The Emergence of Arabic Lexicology And Its Characters/Cikal Bakal Munculnya Leksikologi Arab dan Para Tokoh-Tokohnya
BAN Mivtakh
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 3 (1), 37-52, 2022
Classical Test Theory in Analyzing Arabic Test Questions: A Descriptive Study on Item Analysis Research in Indonesia/نظرية الاختبار الكلاسيكية في تحليل الأسئلة العربية: الدراسة …‎
M Jundi
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 4 (2), 85-105, 2023
Penggunaan Buku Durusu Al-Lughoh Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
M Jamilah
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic And Literature 2 (3), 2021
Multiple Choice Objective Test Arabic Subject: Analysis & Implementation of the Edmodo Application/Tes Objektif Pilihan Ganda Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Arab: Analisis …
NG Somahhida, I Makruf
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 3 (2), 162-176, 2022
Effectiveness of Arabic Debate Community to Improve Students' Arabic Speaking Skills/Efektivitas Komunitas Debat Bahasa Arab Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Arab …
AA Abdilah, A Holilulloh
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 3 (2), 116-132, 2022
Design of Arabic Textbooks Based Flipping Book on Al-Masal (Proverbs) Material Class X MA
L Anisatin, A Akmalia, I Asrori
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 3 (1), 53-74, 2022
The Effectiveness of Direct Method and Counseling Method Blended Learning to Upgrade College Students' Speaking Skill/فعالية تمازج بين طريقة المباشرة وطريقة Counseling Learning …
A Suja
The Implementation of Arabic Vocabulary Learning Strategies Design Based on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences/Penerapan Desain Strategi Pembelajaran Kosa-Kata Bahasa Arab …
N Nadhif
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 2 (2), 116-131, 2021
Teaching of Speaking Skill with picture Expression Strategy at the Islamic Boarding School/تعليم مهارة الكلام باستراتجية التعبير المصور في المعهد العصري الإسلامي
A Barokah, Z Rizqiyah
The Effect of Using Flash Cards to Improve Arabic Vocabulary Skills at the Al-Azhar Roudlotul Muttaqiin Islamic Boarding School, Malang/أثر استخدام بطاقة الالفلاش لترقية إتقان …‎
MA Romadoni, EM Rohmah, L Fitriani
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 3 (2), 103-115, 2022
The Semantic Meaning of the Terms of Religious Moderation in the Qur'an from the Perspective of Muqotil ibn Sulaiman Al-Balkhy/المعنى الدلالي لتواسط الدّيني في القرآن من وجهة …‎
F Isbah, R Fauzi, MF Rosyid
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 3 (1), 17-36, 2022
Speaking Skills Strategies (Arabic and English Speeches) In Extracurricular Programs of Boarding Qur’an/إستراتيجية مهارة الكلام (الخطابة العربية و الخطابة الإنجليزية) في …‎
IN Masithoh
Analysis of the Teaching Difficulty by University Students of Arabic Language Education through Microteaching Practices/Analisis Kesulitan Mengajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa …
R Fadillah
Tarâduf Analysis in Khulâshoh Nûrul Yakin Juz 1 Part 1/Analisis Tarâduf dalam Khulâshoh Nûrul Yakin Juz 1 Bagian 1
A Supardi, MW Burhanuddin
Method of Teaching Arabic Language in Program Diniyah Formal (PDF) at Pondok Pesantren Al-Mubarak Wonosobo/طريقة تعليم اللغة العربية بالتربية الدينية الرسمية في معهد المبارك …‎
N Kurniasih
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 1 (1), 17-32, 2020
Improving Arabic Writing Skills Through Crossword Media Among 7th Grade Middle School Students/تحسين مهارة الكتابة بوسائل الكلمات المتقاطعة لدى طلاب الصف السابع في المدرسة …
RN Taqiyuddin, WN Putri
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 4 (2), 169-179, 2023
Developing the Grammatical Book Based on the Metal Map in Learning Arabic Grammar for Secondary School Students at Dar Atqiya Tegal/تطوير الكتاب الآجّروميّة على أساس الخريطة …‎
NH Hanifah
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 4 (2), 153-168, 2023
Transformation of Arabic Language Learning Process-After COVID-19 Pandemic
R Maghfiroh, MS Anwar
ATHLA: Journal of Arabic Teaching, Linguistic and Literature 4 (2), 106-118, 2023
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Articles 1–20