Stephen Vidas
Stephen Vidas
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3D thermal mapping of building interiors using an RGB-D and thermal camera
S Vidas, P Moghadam, M Bosse
2013 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 2311-2318, 2013
A mask-based approach for the geometric calibration of thermal-infrared cameras
S Vidas, R Lakemond, S Denman, C Fookes, S Sridharan, T Wark
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 61 (6), 1625-1635, 2012
HeatWave: A handheld 3D thermography system for energy auditing
S Vidas, P Moghadam
Energy and buildings 66, 445-460, 2013
Practical infrared visual odometry
PVK Borges, S Vidas
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (8), 2205-2213, 2016
Towards robust night and day place recognition using visible and thermal imaging
W Maddern, S Vidas
RSS 2012: Robotics Science & Systems, Beyond laser and vision: Alternative …, 2012
Automated robot picking system for e-commerce fulfillment warehouse application
C Liang, KJ Chee, Y Zou, H Zhu, A Causo, S Vidas, T Teng, IM Chen, ...
The 14th IFToMM World Congress 1, 2015
Performance evaluation of feature detectors and descriptors beyond the visible
T Mouats, N Aouf, D Nam, S Vidas
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 92, 33-63, 2018
Real-time mobile 3D temperature mapping
S Vidas, P Moghadam, S Sridharan
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (2), 1145-1152, 2014
Hand-held monocular SLAM in thermal-infrared
S Vidas, S Sridharan
ICARCV 2012: International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2012
Human-guided robotic comanipulation: Two illustrative scenarios
X Li, G Chi, S Vidas, CC Cheah
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (5), 1751-1763, 2016
Forecasting events using an augmented hidden conditional random field
X Wei, P Lucey, S Vidas, S Morgan, S Sridharan
Computer Vision--ACCV 2014: 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision …, 2015
Heatwave: the next generation of thermography devices
P Moghadam, S Vidas
Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXVI 9105, 91-98, 2014
An exploration of feature detector performance in the thermal-infrared modality
S Vidas, R Lakemond, S Denman, C Fookes, S Sridharan, T Wark
DICTA 2011: International Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques …, 2011
Ad hoc radiometric calibration of a thermal-infrared camera
S Vidas, P Moghadam
2013 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2013
Spectra: 3D multispectral fusion and visualization toolkit
P Moghadam, S Vidas, O Lam
Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2014
Handheld 3D thermography using range sensing and computer vision
SG Vidas
Queensland University of Technology, 2014
Top-Down Approach to Object Identification in a Cluttered Environment Using Single RGB-D Image and Combinational Classifier for Team Nanyang’s Robotic Picker at the Amazon …
A Causo, SO Kamal, S Vidas, IM Chen
Advances on Robotic Item Picking: Applications in Warehousing & E-Commerce …, 2020
Real-time mobile 3D temperature mapping
P Moghadam, S Vidas, S Sridharan
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Articles 1–18