Curtis J. Milhaupt
Curtis J. Milhaupt
William F. Baxter-Visa International Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
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We are the (national) champions: Understanding the mechanisms of state capitalism in China
LW Lin, CJ Milhaupt
Revista chilena de derecho 40, 801, 2013
Law & capitalism: What corporate crises reveal about legal systems and economic development around the world
CJ Milhaupt, K Pistor
University of Chicago Press, 2019
Beyond ownership: State capitalism and the Chinese firm
CJ Milhaupt, W Zheng
Geo. LJ 103, 665, 2014
Sovereign wealth funds and corporate governance: A minimalist response to the new mercantilism
RJ Gilson, CJ Milhaupt
Corporate Governance, 463-487, 2017
Dark Side of Private Ordering: An Institutional and Empirical Analysis of Organized Crime, The
CJ Milhaupt, MD West
U. Chi. L. Rev. 67, 41, 2000
Re-examining legal transplants: the director's fiduciary duty in Japanese corporate law
H Kanda, CJ Milhaupt
The American Journal of Comparative Law 51 (4), 887-901, 2003
Reputational sanctions in China's securities market
BL Liebman, CJ Milhaupt
Colum. L. Rev. 108, 929, 2008
Market for Innovation in the United States and Japan: Venture Capital and the Comparative Corporate Governance Debate
CJ Milhaupt
Nw. UL Rev. 91, 865, 1996
Choice as regulatory reform: The case of Japanese corporate governance
RJ Gilson, CJ Milhaupt
The American Journal of Comparative Law 53 (2), 343-377, 2005
Creative norm destruction: The evolution of nonlegal rules in Japanese corporate governance
CJ Milhaupt
University of Pennsylvania Law Review 149 (6), 2083-2129, 2001
A relational theory of Japanese corporate governance: Contract, culture, and the rule of law
CJ Milhaupt
Harv. Int'l. LJ 37, 3, 1996
In the Shadow of Delaware-The Rise of Hostile Takeovers in Japan
CJ Milhaupt
Colum. L. Rev. 105, 2171, 2005
Property rights in firms
CJ Milhaupt
Va. L. Rev. 84, 1145, 1998
The evolution of hostile takeover regimes in developed and emerging markets: an analytical framework
J Armour, JB Jacobs, CJ Milhaupt
Harv. Int'l LJ 52, 219, 2011
Governance challenges of listed state-owned enterprises around the world: national experiences and a framework for reform
CJ Milhaupt, M Pargendler
Cornell Int'l LJ 50, 473, 2017
Economically benevolent dictators: lessons for developing democracies
RJ Gilson, CJ Milhaupt
The American Journal of Comparative Law 59 (1), 227-288, 2011
Nonprofit Organizations as Investor Protection: Economic Theory and Evidence from East Asia
CJ Milhaupt
Yale J. Int'l L. 29, 169, 2004
Japan's experience with deposit insurance and failing banks: Implications for financial regulatory design
CJ Milhaupt
Wash. ULQ 77, 399, 1999
Economic organizations and corporate governance in Japan
CJ Milhaupt, MD West
Oxford University Press, 2004
Cooperation, conflict, and convergence in japanese finance: evidence from the Jusen problem
CJ Milhaupt, GP Miller
Law & Pol'y Int'l Bus. 29, 1, 1997
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Articles 1–20