Gina Fisk
Cited by
Cited by
Eliminating steganography in Internet traffic with active wardens
G Fisk, M Fisk, C Papadopoulos, J Neil
Information Hiding: 5th International Workshop, IH 2002 Noordwijkerhout, The …, 2003
Privacy principles for sharing cyber security data
G Fisk, C Ardi, N Pickett, J Heidemann, M Fisk, C Papadopoulos
2015 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, 193-197, 2015
On the limitations of embedding data in immutable carriers
G Fisk, E Weigle, J Neil
ACM, MM, 2002
Poster: Towards a Collaborative and Retrospective Understanding of Security Events with Retro-Future
C Ardi, J Heidemann, G Fisk, M Fisk, C Papadopoulos
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Conference on Posters and Demos, 72-74, 2018
Eliminating Steganography in Internet Traffic with
G Fisk, M Fisk, C Papadopoulos, J Neil
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