Matthew Kraatz
Matthew Kraatz
Merle H. and Virginia Downs Boren Professor, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois
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Cited by
Changing obligations and the psychological contract: A longitudinal study
SL Robinson, MS Kraatz, DM Rousseau
Academy of management Journal 37 (1), 137-152, 1994
Organizational implications of institutional pluralism
MS Kraatz, ES Block
The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism 840, 243-275, 2008
Learning by association? Interorganizational networks and adaptation to environmental change
MS Kraatz
Academy of management journal 41 (6), 621-643, 1998
Modeling the dynamics of strategic fit: A normative approach to strategic change
EJ Zajac, MS Kraatz, RKF Bresser
Strategic management journal 21 (4), 429-453, 2000
How organizational resources affect strategic change and performance in turbulent environments: Theory and evidence
MS Kraatz, EJ Zajac
Organization science 12 (5), 632-657, 2001
Exploring the limits of the new institutionalism: The causes and consequences of illegitimate organizational change
MS Kraatz, EJ Zajac
American sociological review, 812-836, 1996
Executive migration and institutional change
MS Kraatz, JH Moore
Academy of Management journal 45 (1), 120-143, 2002
Character, conformity, or the bottom line? How and why downsizing affected corporate reputation
EG Love, M Kraatz
Academy of management Journal 52 (2), 314-335, 2009
A diametric forces model of strategic change: Assessing the antecedents and consequences of restructuring in the higher education industry
EJ Zajac, MS Kraatz
Strategic Management Journal 14 (S1), 83-102, 1993
From support to mutiny: Shifting legitimacy judgments and emotional reactions impacting the implementation of radical change
QN Huy, KG Corley, MS Kraatz
Academy of Management journal 57 (6), 1650-1680, 2014
Leadership as institutional work: A bridge to the other side
MS Kraatz
Institutional work: Actors and agency in institutional studies of …, 2009
Precarious values and mundane innovations: Enrollment management in American liberal arts colleges
MS Kraatz, MJ Ventresca, L Deng
Academy of Management Journal 53 (6), 1521-1545, 2010
The value of values for institutional analysis
MS Kraatz, R Flores, D Chandler
Academy of Management Annals 14 (2), 474-512, 2020
Institutional pluralism revisited
MS Kraatz, ES Block
The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism 2, 532-557, 2017
E pluribus unum: Multiple identities and the organizational self
MG Pratt, MS Kraatz
Exploring positive identities and organizations, 385-410, 2009
Paying the price? The impact of controversial governance practices on managerial reputation
MK Bednar, EG Love, M Kraatz
Academy of Management Journal 58 (6), 1740-1760, 2015
Reinfusing values
MS Kraatz, R Flores
Institutions and ideals: Philip Selznick’s legacy for organizational studies …, 2015
Constructing the reality of normative behavior: The use of neutralization strategies by organizational deviants.
SL Robinson, MS Kraatz
Elsevier Science/JAI Press, 1998
Institutions and ideals: Philip Selznick’s legacy for organizational studies
MS Kraatz
Institutions and ideals: Philip Selznick’s legacy for organizational studies …, 2015
Governance form and organizational adaptation: Lessons from the savings and loan industry in the 1980s
JH Moore, MS Kraatz
Organization Science 22 (4), 850-868, 2011
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Articles 1–20