Sukumar Kundu
Sukumar Kundu
Associate Professor, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, IIEST, Shibpur
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Diffusion bonding of commercially pure titanium to 304 stainless steel using copper interlayer
S Kundu, M Ghosh, A Laik, K Bhanumurthy, GB Kale, S Chatterjee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 407 (1-2), 154-160, 2005
Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of diffusion-bonded titanium–stainless steel joints using a nickel interlayer
S Kundu, S Chatterjee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 425 (1-2), 107-113, 2006
Characterization of diffusion bonded joint between titanium and 304 stainless steel using a Ni interlayer
S Kundu, S Chatterjee
Materials characterization 59 (5), 631-637, 2008
Diffusion bonding between commercially pure titanium and micro-duplex stainless steel
S Kundu, S Chatterjee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 480 (1-2), 316-322, 2008
Interface microstructure and strength properties of Ti–6Al–4V and microduplex stainless steel diffusion bonded joints
S Kundu, S Sam, S Chatterjee
Materials & Design 32 (5), 2997-3003, 2011
Diffusion bonding of titanium alloy to micro-duplex stainless steel using a nickel alloy interlayer: Interface microstructure and strength properties
S Sam, S Kundu, S Chatterjee
Materials & Design 40, 237-244, 2012
Microstructure and tensile strength of friction stir welded joints between interstitial free steel and commercially pure Aluminium
S Kundu, D Roy, R Bhola, D Bhattacharjee, B Mishra, S Chatterjee
Materials & Design 50, 370-375, 2013
Effects of intermetallic phases on the bond strength of diffusion-bonded joints between titanium and 304 stainless steel using nickel interlayer
S Kundu, S Chatterjee, D Olson, B Mishra
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 38, 2053-2060, 2007
Diffusion bonding of commercially pure titanium and 17-4 precipitation hardening stainless steel
S Kundu, M Ghosh, S Chatterjee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 428 (1-2), 18-23, 2006
Evaluation of interface microstructure and mechanical properties of the diffusion bonded joints of Ti–6Al–4V alloy to micro-duplex stainless steel
S Kundu, S Sam, S Chatterjee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (15), 4910-4916, 2011
Interface microstructure and strength properties of diffusion bonded joints of titanium–Al interlayer–18Cr–8Ni stainless steel
S Kundu, S Chatterjee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (10-11), 2714-2719, 2010
Influence of interface microstructure on the strength of the transition joint between Ti-6Al-4V and stainless steel
M Ghosh, S Kundu, S Chatterjee, B Mishra
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 36, 1891-1899, 2005
Microstructure and mechanical properties of similar and dissimilar joints of aluminium alloy and pure copper by friction stir welding
VC Sinha, S Kundu, S Chatterjee
Perspectives in Science 8, 543-546, 2016
Development of ternary iron vanadium oxide semiconductors for applications in photoelectrochemical water oxidation
H. Mandal, S. Shyamal, P. Hajra, A. Bera, D. Sariket, S. Kundu, C. Bhattacharya
RSC Advances 6, 4992–4999, 2016
Interfacial reactions and strength properties of diffusion bonded joints of Ti64 alloy and 17-4PH stainless steel using nickel alloy interlayer
S Kundu, B Mishra, D Olson, S Chatterjee
Materials & Design 51 (10), 714–722, 2013
Influence of interface microstructure on the mechanical properties of titanium/17-4 PH stainless steel solid state diffusion bonded joints
S Kundu, D Roy, S Chatterjee, D Olson, B Mishra
Materials & Design 37, 560-568, 2012
Evolution of interface microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium/304 stainless steel diffusion bonded joint using Nb interlayer
S Kundu, S Chatterjee
ISIJ international 50 (10), 1460-1465, 2010
Interfacial reactions and strength properties in dissimilar titanium alloy/Ni alloy/microduplex stainless steel diffusion bonded joints
S Kundu, S Sam, S Chatterjee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 560, 288–295, 2013
Effect of Bonding Temperature on Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Properties of Diffusion-Bonded Joint Between Ti-6Al-4V and 304 Stainless Steel Using Nickel as an …
G Thirunavukarasu, S Kundu, B Mishra, S Chatterjee
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (4), 2067-2077, 2014
Benign role of Bi on an electrodeposited Cu 2 O semiconductor towards photo-assisted H 2 generation from water
S. Shyamal, P. Hajra, H. Mandal, A. Bera, D. Sariket, A. K. Satpati, S ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (23), 9244-9252, 2016
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Articles 1–20