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Adrien Perrard
Adrien Perrard
Assistant Professor, Universite Paris Diderot
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Predicting the invasion risk by the alien bee-hawking Yellow-legged hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax across Europe and other continents with niche models
C Villemant, M Barbet-Massin, A Perrard, F Muller, O Gargominy, F Jiguet, ...
Biological Conservation 144 (9), 2142-2150, 2011
Reconstructing the invasion and the demographic history of the yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina, in Europe
M Arca, F Mougel, T Guillemaud, S Dupas, Q Rome, A Perrard, F Muller, ...
Biological Invasions 17, 2357-2371, 2015
Climate change increases the risk of invasion by the Yellow-legged hornet
M Barbet-Massin, Q Rome, F Muller, A Perrard, C Villemant, F Jiguet
Biological Conservation 157, 4-10, 2013
21 years of shelf life between discovery and description of new species
B Fontaine, A Perrard, P Bouchet
Current Biology 22 (22), R943-R944, 2012
Caste differentiation and seasonal changes in Vespa velutina (Hym.: Vespidae) colonies in its introduced range
Q Rome, FJ Muller, A Touret‐Alby, E Darrouzet, A Perrard, C Villemant
Journal of Applied Entomology 139 (10), 771-782, 2015
Bilan des travaux (MNHN et IRBI) sur l’invasion en France de Vespa velutina, le frelon asiatique prédateur d’abeilles
C Villemant, F Muller, S Haubois, A Perrard, E Darrouzet, Q Rome
Proceedings of the Journée Scientifique Apicole–11 February, 3-12, 2011
Observations on the colony activity of the Asian hornet Vespa velutina Lepeletier 1836 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae) in France
A Perrard, J Haxaire, A Rortais, C Villemant
Annales de la Société entomologique de France 45 (1), 119-127, 2009
Monitoring and control modalities of a honeybee predator, the yellow-legged hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Q Rome, A Perrard, F Muller, C Villemant
Aliens 31 (31), 7-15, 2011
Phylogeny of hornets: a total evidence approach (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Vespinae, Vespa)
A Perrard, J Carpenter, J Kojima, C Villemant
Journal of Hymenoptera Research 32, 1, 2013
Geographic variation of melanisation patterns in a hornet species: genetic differences, climatic pressures or aposematic constraints?
A Perrard, M Arca, Q Rome, F Muller, J Tan, S Bista, H Nugroho, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e94162, 2014
Evolution of wing shape in hornets: why is the wing venation efficient for species identification?
A Perrard, M Baylac, JM Carpenter, C Villemant
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (12), 2665-2675, 2014
Differences in caste dimorphism among three hornet species (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): forewing size, shape and allometry
A Perrard, C Villemant, JM Carpenter, M Baylac
Journal of evolutionary biology 25 (7), 1389-1398, 2012
Not just honeybees: predatory habits of Vespa velutina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in France
Q Rome, A Perrard, F Muller, C Fontaine, A Quilès, D Zuccon, C Villemant
Annales de la Société entomologique de France (NS) 57 (1), 1-11, 2021
Early lineages of Vespidae (Hymenoptera) in Cretaceous amber
A Perrard, D Grimaldi, JM Carpenter
Systematic Entomology 42 (2), 379-386, 2017
Phylogeny, landmark analysis and the use of wing venation to study the evolution of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae)
A Perrard, F Lopez‐Osorio, JM Carpenter
Cladistics 32 (4), 406-425, 2016
Phylogenetic tests reject Emery's rule in the evolution of social parasitism in yellowjackets and hornets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Vespinae)
F Lopez-Osorio, A Perrard, KM Pickett, JM Carpenter, I Agnarsson
Royal Society Open Science 2 (9), 150159, 2015
Antiquity of cleptoparasitism among bees revealed by morphometric and phylogenetic analysis of a P aleocene fossil nomadine (H ymenoptera: A pidae)
M Dehon, A Perrard, MS Engel, A Nel, D Michez
Systematic Entomology 42 (3), 543-554, 2017
Seasonal variations of pollinator assemblages among urban and rural habitats: A comparative approach using a standardized plant community
V Zaninotto, A Perrard, O Babiar, A Hansart, C Hignard, I Dajoz
Insects 12 (3), 199, 2021
Running in circles in phylomorphospace: host environment constrains morphological diversification in parasitic wasps
BF Santos, A Perrard, SG Brady
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1895), 20182352, 2019
Comprehensive evolutionary analysis of the Anthroherpon radiation (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Leptodirini)
I Njunjić, A Perrard, K Hendriks, M Schilthuizen, M Perreau, V Merckx, ...
PLoS One 13 (6), e0198367, 2018
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