Wang Zhiwei
Cited by
Cited by
Automated diagnosis of prostate cancer in multi-parametric MRI based on multimodal convolutional neural networks
MH Le, J Chen, L Wang, Z Wang, W Liu, KTT Cheng, X Yang
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (16), 6497, 2017
Co-trained convolutional neural networks for automated detection of prostate cancer in multi-parametric MRI
X Yang, C Liu, Z Wang*, J Yang, H Le Min, L Wang, KTT Cheng
Medical image analysis 42, 212-227, 2017
Automated detection of clinically significant prostate cancer in mp-MRI images based on an end-to-end deep neural network
Z Wang, C Liu, D Cheng, L Wang, X Yang, KT Cheng
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (5), 1127-1139, 2018
Variation-aware federated learning with multi-source decentralized medical image data
Z Yan, J Wicaksana, Z Wang, X Yang, KT Cheng
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (7), 2615-2628, 2020
Bi-modality medical image synthesis using semi-supervised sequential generative adversarial networks
X Yang, Y Lin, Z Wang, X Li, KT Cheng
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (3), 855-865, 2019
Joint progressive and coarse-to-fine registration of brain MRI via deformation field integration and non-rigid feature fusion
J Lv#, Z Wang#, H Shi, H Zhang, S Wang, Y Wang, Q Li
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41 (10), 2788-2802, 2022
Semi-supervised mp-MRI data synthesis with StitchLayer and auxiliary distance maximization
Z Wang, Y Lin, KTT Cheng, X Yang
Medical image analysis 59, 101565, 2020
Joint detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer in multi-parametric MRI based on multimodal convolutional neural networks
X Yang, Z Wang, C Liu, HM Le, J Chen, KT Cheng, L Wang
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention− MICCAI 2017 …, 2017
Sparse-view cone beam CT reconstruction using dual CNNs in projection domain and image domain
L Chao, Z Wang, H Zhang, W Xu, P Zhang, Q Li
Neurocomputing 493, 536-547, 2022
Multi-task siamese network for retinal artery/vein separation via deep convolution along vessel
Z Wang, X Jiang, J Liu, KT Cheng, X Yang
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39 (9), 2904-2919, 2020
An automated method for accurate vessel segmentation
X Yang, C Liu, H Le Minh, Z Wang, A Chien, KTT Cheng
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (9), 3757, 2017
Segrap2023: A benchmark of organs-at-risk and gross tumor volume segmentation for radiotherapy planning of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
X Luo, J Fu, Y Zhong, S Liu, B Han, M Astaraki, S Bendazzoli, ...
Medical image analysis 101, 103447, 2025
Dual-domain attention-guided convolutional neural network for low-dose cone-beam computed tomography reconstruction
L Chao, P Zhang, Y Wang, Z Wang, W Xu, Q Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 251, 109295, 2022
Multi-phase and multi-level selective feature fusion for automated pancreas segmentation from CT images
X Jiang, Q Luo, Z Wang, T Mei, Y Wen, X Li, KT Cheng, X Yang
International conference on medical image computing and computer-assisted …, 2020
Accurate face alignment and adaptive patch selection for heart rate estimation from videos under realistic scenarios
Z Wang, X Yang, KT Cheng
PloS one 13 (5), e0197275, 2018
Semi-supervised Learning via Improved Teacher-Student Network for Robust 3D Reconstruction of Stereo Endoscopic Image
H Shi#, Z Wang#, J Lv, Y Wang, P Zhang, F Zhu, Q Li*
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 4661-4669, 2021
Monocular camera based real-time dense mapping using generative adversarial network
X Yang, J Chen, Z Wang, Q Zhang, W Liu, C Liao, KT Cheng
Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 896-904, 2018
Accurate Cobb Angle Estimation on Scoliosis X-ray Images via Deeply-coupled Two-stage Network with Differentiable Cropping and Random Perturbation
Y Liang#, J Lv#, D Li, X Yang, Z Wang*, Q Li*
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022
Label Refinement with an Iterative Generative Adversarial Network for Boosting Retinal Vessel Segmentation
Y Yang#, Z Wang#, J Liu, KT Cheng, X Yang*
arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1912.02589, 2019
Co-learning-assisted progressive dense fusion network for cardiovascular disease detection using ECG and PCG signals
H Zhang, P Zhang, F Lin, L Chao, Z Wang, F Ma, Q Li
Expert Systems with Applications 238, 122144, 2024
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