Yan Zuo
Cited by
Cited by
Fast residual forests: Rapid ensemble learning for semantic segmentation
Y Zuo, T Drummond
Conference on Robot Learning, 27-36, 2017
Empnet: Neural localisation and mapping using embedded memory points
G Avraham, Y Zuo, T Dharmasiri, T Drummond
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
Generative adversarial forests for better conditioned adversarial learning
Y Zuo, G Avraham, T Drummond
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.05185, 2018
Parallel optimal transport gan
G Avraham, Y Zuo, T Drummond
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Learning instance and task-aware dynamic kernels for few-shot learning
R Ma, P Fang, G Avraham, Y Zuo, T Zhu, T Drummond, M Harandi
European Conference on Computer Vision, 257-274, 2022
Traversing latent space using decision ferns
Y Zuo, G Avraham, T Drummond
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 593-608, 2018
Improved Training of Generative Adversarial Networks Using Decision Forests
Y Zuo, G Avraham, T Drummond
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2021
Bayesian Optimisation for Mixed-Variable Inputs using Value Proposals
Y Zuo, A Dezfouli, I Chades, D Alexander, BW Muir
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.04832, 2022
Residual Likelihood Forests
Y Zuo, T Drummond
British Machine Vision Conference, 2020
Machine-learning assisted optimisation during heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation utilising a static mixer under continuous flow
TM Kohl, Y Zuo, BW Muir, CH Hornung, A Polyzos, Y Zhu, X Wang, ...
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 9 (4), 872-882, 2024
Localising In Complex Scenes Using Balanced Adversarial Adaptation
G Avraham, Y Zuo, T Drummond
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2020
ViewFusion: Towards Multi-View Consistency via Interpolated Denoising
X Yang, Y Zuo, S Ramasinghe, L Bazzani, G Avraham, A van den Hengel
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Mixed-variable black-box optimisation using value proposal trees
Y Zuo, V Nguyen, A Dezfouli, D Alexander, BW Muir, I Chades
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (9), 11506 …, 2023
Advances in Decision Forests and Ferns with Applications in Deep Representation Learning for Computer Vision
Y Zuo
Monash University, 2019
PLEX: PLanner and EXecutor for Embodied Learning in Navigation
G Avraham, Y Zuo, T Drummond
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Articles 1–15