Catherine Wong
Cited by
Cited by
The paradox of trust: perceived risk and public compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore
CML Wong, O Jensen
COVID-19, 189-198, 2022
The developmental state in ecological modernization and the politics of environmental framings: The case of Singapore and implications for East Asia
CML Wong
Nature and Culture 7 (1), 95-119, 2012
The significance of meaning. Why IPBES needs the social sciences and humanities
J Jetzkowitz, CSA Van Koppen, R Lidskog, K Ott, L Voget-Kleschin, ...
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 31 (sup1), S38-S60, 2018
Assembling interdisciplinary energy research through an actor network theory (ANT) frame
CML Wong
Energy Research & Social Science 12, 106-110, 2016
The mutable nature of risk and acceptability: A hybrid risk governance framework
CML Wong
Risk analysis 35 (11), 1969-1982, 2015
Sociology, risk and the environment: a material-semiotic approach
CML Wong, S Lockie
Journal of risk research 21 (9), 1077-1092, 2018
Conflicting Temporalities of Social and Environmental Change?
S Lockie, CML Wong
Environment and Society: Concepts and Challenges, 327-350, 2018
City-states in relational urbanization: the case of Luxembourg and Singapore
C Wong, M Hesse, TJ Sigler
Urban Geography 43 (4), 501-522, 2022
Organisational risk perception and transformations in India’s nuclear establishment
CML Wong
Journal of Risk Research, 2014
Cities seen through a relational lens
M Hesse, CML Wong
Geographische Zeitschrift, 74-98, 2020
Risk, sustainability and time: sociological perspectives
S Lockie, CML Wong
Sustainability: Social Science Contributions, 187-198, 2017
Energy, Risk and Governance
CML Wong, Wong, Ballard
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Climate change and energy futures-theoretical frameworks, epistemological issues, and methodological perspectives
MCJ Stoddart, J McLevey, V Schweizer, C Wong
Society & Natural Resources 33 (11), 1331-1338, 2020
Climate finance and the peace dividend, articulating the co-benefits argument
C Wong
The Political Economy of Climate Finance: Lessons from International …, 2022
Challenges for Digital Literacy in English Curriculum.
C Lam, C Wong
Teach4DH@ GSCL, 32-36, 2017
Home to Hong Kong: The Linguistic Displacement and Imaginary Diaspora in Anglophone Hong Kong Literature
C Wong
Diasporas: Revisiting and Discovering, 49-70, 2010
Temporality and systemic risk: the case of green bonds
CML Wong
Journal of Risk Research 24 (1), 110-120, 2020
Collapse of Narrative: A Study of Narrative Distance in the Confessional Narrative in Kazuo Ishiguro's Work
C Wong
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 158, 57-64, 2014
Responses to air pollution based on historical and current policies in the EU and ASEAN
M Goodsite, C Wong Mei Ling, O Hertel
Global Environment 3 (6), 150-182, 2011
Limits to inoculating against the risk of fake news: a replication study in Singapore during COVID-19
CML Wong, Y Wu
Journal of Risk Research 26 (10), 1037-1052, 2023
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Articles 1–20