Per-Erik Forssén
Per-Erik Forssén
Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering, Linköping University
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Cited by
Maximally stable colour regions for recognition and matching
PE Forssén
2007 IEEE Conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 1-8, 2007
Shape descriptors for maximally stable extremal regions
PE Forssén, DG Lowe
2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-8, 2007
Curious george: An attentive semantic robot
D Meger, PE Forssén, K Lai, S Helmer, S McCann, T Southey, ...
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56 (6), 503-511, 2008
Rectifying rolling shutter video from hand-held devices
E Ringaby, PE Forssén
Proceedings of SSBA 2011 Symposium on Image Analysis, 2011
Rectifying rolling shutter video from hand-held devices
PE Forssén, E Ringaby
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 507-514, 2010
Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment
J Hedborg, PE Forssén, M Felsberg, E Ringaby
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012
Efficient Video Rectification and Stabilisation for Cell-Phones
E Ringaby, PE Forssén
International Journal of Computer Vision 96 (3), 335-352, 2012
Channel smoothing: Efficient robust smoothing of low-level signal features
M Felsberg, PE Forssén, H Scharr
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28 (2), 209-222, 2005
Vision-based multi-uav position estimation
L Merino, J Wiklund, F Caballero, A Moe, JR Martinez-de Dios, ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 13 (3), 53-62, 2006
Informed visual search: Combining attention and object recognition
PE Forssén, D Meger, K Lai, S Helmer, JJ Little, DG Lowe
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 935-942, 2008
Stabilizing Cell Phone Video using Inertial Measurement Sensors
G Hanning, N Forslöw, PE Forssén, E Ringaby, D Törnqvist, J Callmer
The Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision, at ICCV11, 2011
Low and medium level vision using channel representations
PE Forssén
Dept. of EE, Linköping University, 2004
Vision for a UAV helicopter
K Nordberg, P Doherty, G Farnebäck, PE Forssén, G Granlund, A Moe, ...
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), workshop …, 2002
Correlating Fourier descriptors of local patches for road sign recognition
F Larsson, M Felsberg, PE Forssen
IET Computer Vision 5 (4), 244-254, 2011
Combining shadow detection and simulation for estimation of vehicle size and position
B Johansson, J Wiklund, PE Forssén, G Granlund
Pattern Recognition Letters 30 (8), 751-759, 2009
Comparison of local image descriptors for full 6 degree-of-freedom pose estimation
F Viksten, PE Forssén, B Johansson, A Moe
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2779-2786, 2009
Structure and Motion Estimation from Rolling Shutter Video
J Hedborg, E Ringaby, PE Forssén, M Felsberg
The Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision, at ICCV11, 2011
The application of an oblique-projected Landweber method to a model of supervised learning
B Johansson, T Elfving, V Kozlov, Y Censor, PE Forssén, G Granlund
Mathematical and computer modelling 43 (7-8), 892-909, 2006
Density adaptive point set registration
FJ Lawin, M Danelljan, FS Khan, PE Forssén, M Felsberg
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Gyroscope-based Video Stabilisation With Auto-Calibration
H Ovrén, PE Forssén
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015
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Articles 1–20