Min Gyung Kang
Min Gyung Kang
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Cited by
BitBlaze: A new approach to computer security via binary analysis
D Song, D Brumley, H Yin, J Caballero, I Jager, MG Kang, Z Liang, ...
Information Systems Security: 4th International Conference, ICISS 2008 …, 2008
Renovo: A hidden code extractor for packed executables
MG Kang, P Poosankam, H Yin
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Recurring malcode, 46-53, 2007
Dta++: dynamic taint analysis with targeted control-flow propagation.
MG Kang, S McCamant, P Poosankam, D Song
NDSS, 2011
Emulating emulation-resistant malware
MG Kang, H Yin, S Hanna, S McCamant, D Song
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Virtual machine security, 11-22, 2009
BitScope: Automatically dissecting malicious binaries
D Brumley, C Hartwig, MG Kang, Z Liang, J Newsome, P Poosankam, ...
Technical Report CS-07-133, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon …, 2007
FiG: Automatic fingerprint generation
J Caballero, S Venkataraman, P Poosankam, MG Kang, D Song, A Blum
Carnegie Mellon University, 2007
Distributed evasive scan techniques and countermeasures
MG Kang, J Caballero, D Song
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 4th …, 2007
Crash analysis with BitBlaze
C Miller, J Caballero, NM Johnson, MG Kang, S McCamant, ...
at BlackHat USA, 2010
BitBlaze: Binary analysis for computer security
D Song, D Brumley, H Yin, J Caballero, I Jager, MG Kang, Z Liang, ...
Advanced binary analysis techniques for malware defense
MG Kang
Carnegie Mellon University, 2010
Challenges in Building an Internet-Wide Monitoring Infrastructure for Network Security
MG Kang, S Moon
MalSolver: In-depth Malware Analysis through Layered Symbolic Execution
H Yin, C Hartwig, MG Kang, D Song
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Articles 1–12