Nathan Novemsky
Nathan Novemsky
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The boundaries of loss aversion
N Novemsky, D Kahneman
Journal of Marketing Research, 119-128, 2005
Preference fluency in choice
N Novemsky, R Dhar, N Schwarz, I Simonson
Journal of Marketing Research 44 (3), 347-356, 2007
Consumer control and empowerment: A primer
L Wathieu, L Brenner, Z Carmon, A Chattopadhyay, K Wertenbroch, ...
Marketing Letters 13 (3), 297-305, 2002
Opportunity cost neglect
S Frederick, N Novemsky, J Wang, R Dhar, S Nowlis
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (4), 553-561, 2009
Making low probabilities useful
H Kunreuther, N Novemsky, D Kahneman
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 23 (2), 103-120, 2001
Why feasibility matters more to gift receivers than to givers: A construal-level approach to gift giving
E Baskin, CJ Wakslak, Y Trope, N Novemsky
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (1), 169-182, 2014
The time course and impact of consumers' erroneous beliefs about hedonic contrast effects
N Novemsky, RK Ratner
Journal of Consumer Research 29 (4), 507-516, 2003
How do intentions affect loss aversion?
N Novemsky, D Kahneman
Journal of marketing research 42 (2), 139-140, 2005
Trade-offs and depletion in choice
J Wang, N Novemsky, R Dhar, RF Baumeister
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (5), 910-919, 2010
Goal fulfillment and goal targets in sequential choice
N Novemsky, R Dhar
Journal of Consumer Research 32 (3), 396-404, 2005
Anticipating adaptation to products
J Wang, N Novemsky, R Dhar
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (2), 149-159, 2009
What makes negotiators happy? The differential effects of internal and external social comparisons on negotiator satisfaction
N Novemsky, ME Schweitzer
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 95 (2), 186-197, 2004
Proximity of snacks to beverages increases food consumption in the workplace: A field study
E Baskin, M Gorlin, Z Chance, N Novemsky, R Dhar, K Huskey, M Hatzis
Appetite 103, 244-248, 2016
Beyond rationality: The content of preferences
R Dhar, N Novemsky
Journal of Consumer Psychology 18 (3), 175-178, 2008
When do incidental mood effects last? Lay beliefs versus actual effects
A Pocheptsova, N Novemsky
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (6), 992-1001, 2010
How are base‐rates used, when they are used: a comparison of additive and Bayesian models of base‐rate use
N Novemsky, S Kronzon
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 12 (1), 55-67, 1999
Adding small differences can increase similarity and choice
J Kim, N Novemsky, R Dhar
Psychological science 24 (2), 225-229, 2013
Understanding and shaping consumer behavior in the next normal
T Charm, R Dhar, S Haas, J Liu, N Novemsky, W Teichner
McKinsey & Company 24, 2020
The effect of preference fluency on consumer decision making
N Novemsky, R Dhar, N Schwarz, I Simonson
Workshop Paper. http://gsbwww. uchicago. edu/kilts/research/workshop …, 2004
From Loss Aversion to Loss Acceptance: How Casino Contexts Can Undermine Loss Aversion
JP Simmons, N Novemsky
Working Paper, 2008
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Articles 1–20