PhD Magda Biernacka
PhD Magda Biernacka
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Cited by
Environmental justice in the context of urban green space availability, accessibility, and attractiveness in postsocialist cities
J Kronenberg, A Haase, E Łaszkiewicz, A Antal, A Baravikova, ...
Cities 106, 102862, 2020
Classification of institutional barriers affecting the availability, accessibility and attractiveness of urban green spaces
M Biernacka, J Kronenberg
Urban forestry & urban greening 36, 22-33, 2018
An integrated system of monitoring the availability, accessibility and attractiveness of urban parks and green squares
M Biernacka, J Kronenberg, E Łaszkiewicz
Applied Geography 116, 102152, 2020
Urban green space availability, accessibility and attractiveness, and the delivery of ecosystem services
M Biernacka, J Kronenberg
Cities and the Environment (CATE) 12 (1), 5, 2019
Conceptualizing multidimensional barriers: a framework for assessing constraints in realizing recreational benefits of urban green spaces
M Wolff, A Mascarenhas, A Haase, D Haase, E Andersson, ST Borgström, ...
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2022
Park availability, accessibility, and attractiveness in relation to the least and most vulnerable inhabitants
M Biernacka, E Łaszkiewicz, J Kronenberg
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 73, 127585, 2022
Beyond urban parks: Mapping informal green spaces in an urban–peri-urban gradient
M Biernacka, J Kronenberg, E Łaszkiewicz, P Czembrowski, VA Parsa, ...
Land Use Policy 131, 106746, 2023
Przegląd i ocena wybranych wskaźników dostępności i atrakcyjności miejskich terenów zieleni
M Biernacka
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica 2 (346), 53-70, 2020
Popular but exclusive: How can lower socio-economic status groups win access to urban green spaces?
J Kronenberg, E Łaszkiewicz, E Andersson, M Biernacka
Geoforum 143, 103774, 2023
Podaż terenów zieleni w mieście. Jakość życia, standardy planowania, wartość
M Biernacka
EkoMiasto# Środowisko. Zrównoważony, inteligentny i partycypacyjny rozwój …, 2022
The impact of institutional aspects on the availability, accessibility, and attractiveness of green spaces in Lodz
M Biernacka
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M Biernacka
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Articles 1–12