Dr Yuri Mejia
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient reconstruction of Raman spectroscopy imaging based on compressive sensing
DF Galvis-Carreño, YH Mejía-Melgarejo, H Arguello-Fuentes
Dyna 81 (188), 116-124, 2014
Computed tomography: acquisition process, technology and current state
ÓJ Espitia Mendoza, YH Mejía Melgarejo, H Arguello
Tecnura 20 (47), 119-135, 2016
Binary Codification Design for Compressive Imaging by Uniform Sensing
Y Mejia, H Arguello
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (12), 5775-5786, 2018
Sistemas automáticos para la adquisición de datos enfocados a examinar pavimentos flexibles
HP Díaz, JHR Suárez, YHM Melgarejo, JMP Rodríguez
Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina 24 (1), 79-98, 2014
Compressive spectral image super-resolution by using singular value decomposition
M Marquez, Y Mejia, H Arguello
Optics Communications 404, 163-168, 2017
Bayesian reconstruction of hyperspectral images by using compressed sensing measurements and a local structured prior
Y Mejía, H Arguello, F Costa, JY Tourneret, H Batatia
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2017
Adjustable spatial resolution of compressive spectral images sensed by multispectral filter array-based sensors
YH Mejía-Melgarejo, OP Villarreal-Dulcey, H Arguello-Fuentes
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 89-98, 2016
Sistema automático para la adquisición de imágenes de vías pavimentadas
HP Díaz, DYS Echeverry, YHM Melgarejo
REVISTA GTI 12 (32), 61-78, 2013
Filtered gradient reconstruction algorithm for compressive spectral imaging
Y Mejia, H Arguello Sr
Optical Engineering 56 (4), 041306, 2016
Colored coded apertures optimization in compressive spectral imaging by restricted isometry property
H Arguello, Y Mejia, G Arce
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 600-604, 2014
A random algorithm for designing the system matrix in compressive spectral imaging by homogenizing its structure
C Noriega, Y Mejía, H Arguello
2015 Workshop on Engineering Applications-International Congress on …, 2015
Reconstrucción eficiente de imágenes a partir de espectroscopia Raman basada en la técnica de sensado compresivo
DF Galvis-Carreño, YH Mejía-Melgarejo, H Arguello-Fuentes
DYNA (Colombia) 81 (188), 116-124, 2014
Sources and Coded Aperture Transmittance Analysis in Compressive Computed Tomography
Ó Espitia Mendoza, Y Mejía Melgarejo, H Arguello Fuentes
Ingeniería y Universidad 20 (2), 411-431, 2016
Superpixel Compressive Sensing Recovery of Spectral Images Sensed by Multi-patterned Focal Plane Array Detectors
YH Mejia, FA Rojas, H Arguello
Sensors & Transducers 193 (10), 50, 2015
Macropixel Compressive Sensing Reconstruction of Spectral Images Sensed by Multispectral Filter Array-based Sensors
Y Mejia, F Rojas, H Arguello
Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies …, 0
Reconstruction Algorithm Optimization And System Matrix Design In Compressive Spectral Imaging.
YH Mejia Melgarejo
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Escuela De Ingeniería Eléctrica …, 2018
A compressive system matrix design in spectral imaging by a homogenization algorithm
C Noriega, Y Mejía, H Arguello
Ingeniería 21 (2), 201-213, 2016
A compressive system matrix design in spectral imaging by a homogenization algorithm
C Noriega, Y Mejía, H Arguello
Ingeniería 21 (2), 201-213, 2016
Filtered gradient compressive sensing reconstruction algorithm for sparse and structured measurement matrices
YH Mejia, H Arguello
Compressive Sensing V: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics 9857 …, 2016
Diseño de la Matriz de un Sistema Compresivo en Imágenes Espectrales por Medio de un Algoritmo de Homogeneización
C Noriega, Y Mejía, H Arguello
Ingenieria 21 (2), 201-214, 2016
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Articles 1–20