Klérisson Paixão
Klérisson Paixão
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Duplicate Question Detection in Stack Overflow: A Reproducibility Study
R F G Silva, K Paixão, M de Almeida Maia
25th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2018
Processing heterogeneous collections in XML information retrieval
MIM Azevedo, KVR Paixão, DVC Pereira
Advances in XML Information Retrieval and Evaluation: 4th International …, 2006
A Multi-Armed Bandit Model Selection for Cold-Start User Recommendation
CZ Felício, KVR Paixão, CAZ Barcelos, P Preux
International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, 2017
Recommending comprehensive solutions for programming tasks by mining crowd knowledge
RFG Silva, CK Roy, MM Rahman, KA Schneider, K Paixao, ...
2019 IEEE/ACM 27th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC …, 2019
On the Interplay between Non-Functional Requirements and Builds on Continuous Integration
KVR Paixão, CZ Felício, FM Delfim, M de A. Maia
14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2017
Bootstrapping cookbooks for APIs from crowd knowledge on Stack Overflow
LBL Souza, EC Campos, F Madeiral, K Paixão, AM Rocha, ...
Information and Software Technology 111, 37-49, 2019
CROKAGE: effective solution recommendation for programming tasks by leveraging crowd knowledge
RFG da Silva, CK Roy, MM Rahman, KA Schneider, K Paixão, ...
Empirical Software Engineering 25, 4707-4758, 2020
Redocumenting APIs with crowd knowledge: a coverage analysis based on question types
FM Delfim, KVR Paixão, D Cassou, MA Maia
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 22 (1), 9, 2016
Visual Perception Similarities to Improve the Quality of User Cold Start Recommendations
CZ Felício, CMM de Almeida, G Alves, FSF Pereira, KVR Paixão, ...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence 9673, 96-101, 2016
Using a sequence alignment algorithm to identify specific and common code from execution traces
M Maia, V Sobreira, K Paixão, S de Amo, I Silva
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Program Comprehension …, 2008
Recommending Source Code Locations for System Specific Transformations
G Santos, KVR Paixão, N Anquetil, A Etien, M de Almeida Maia, ...
24th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2017
Exploiting social information in pairwise preference recommender system
CZ Felício, KVR Paixão, G Alves, S de Amo, P Preux
Journal of Information and Data Management 7 (2), 2016
On the use of execution trace alignment for driving perfective changes
LL Silva, KR Paixão, S de Amo, M de Almeida Maia
2011 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 221-230, 2011
Social PrefRec framework: leveraging recommender systems based on social information
CZ Felício, KVR Paixão, G Alves, S de Amo
Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning - KDMiLe, 66-73, 2015
Preference-like score to cope with cold-start user in recommender systems
CZ Felício, KVR Paixao, CAZ Barcelos, P Preux
2016 IEEE 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2016
Software evolution aided by execution trace alignment
LL Silva, KR Paixao, S de Amo, M de Almeida Maia
Software Engineering (SBES), 2010 Brazilian Symposium on, 158-167, 2010
VP-Rec: A Hybrid Image Recommender Using Visual Perception Network
CZ Felı́cio, CMM de Almeida, G Alves, FSF Pereira, KVR Paixão, ...
28th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2016
Multi-Armed Bandits to Recommend for Cold-Start User
CZ Felício, KVR Paixão, CAZ Barcelos, P Preux
Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning (KDMiLe), 2016
CSIndexbr: Exploring the Brazilian Scientific Production in Computer Science
MT Valente, K Paixão
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.09266, 2018
Alinhamento de rastros de execução de programas para compreensão de pontos de variação em código-fonte
KVR Paixão
Federal University of Uberlândia., 2009
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Articles 1–20