Elena Huergo
Elena Huergo
Full Professor (Department of Economic Analysis, GRIPICO and ICAE), Complutense University of Madrid
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Innovation and productivity across four European countries
R Griffith, E Huergo, J Mairesse, B Peters
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 22 (4), 483-498, 2006
How does probability of innovation change with firm age?
E Huergo, J Jaumandreu
Small Business Economics 22, 193-207, 2004
Firms' age, process innovation and productivity growth
E Huergo, J Jaumandreu
International Journal of Industrial Organization 22 (4), 541-559, 2004
The role of technological management as a source of innovation: Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms
E Huergo
Research policy 35 (9), 1377-1388, 2006
Subsidies or loans? Evaluating the impact of R&D support programmes
E Huergo, L Moreno
Research Policy 46 (7), 1198-1214, 2017
The impact of public support on firm propensity to engage in R&D: Spanish experience
E Huergo, M Trenado, A Ubierna
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 113, 206-219, 2016
Measuring the economic impact of research joint ventures supported by the EU Framework Programme
A Barajas, E Huergo, L Moreno
The Journal of Technology Transfer 37, 917-942, 2012
Does history matter for the relationship between R&D, innovation, and productivity?
E Huergo, L Moreno
Industrial and Corporate Change 20 (5), 1335-1368, 2011
International R&D cooperation within the EU Framework Programme: empirical evidence for Spanish firms
A Barajas, E Huergo
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 19 (1), 87-111, 2010
La productividad de la industria española: evidencia microeconómica
E Huergo, L Moreno
La productividad en la Economía Española, 71-104, 2006
Nuevas empresas de base tecnológica: una revisión de la literatura reciente
M Trenado, E Huergo
CDTI - Documento de Trabajo 3, 2007
La PYME industrial en España
JC Fariñas, JL Calvo, J Jaumandreu, M Lorenzo, E Huergo, C Iglesia, ...
Civitas e Instituto de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa Industrial, 1992
The application for and the awarding of low-interest credits to finance R&D projects
E Huergo, M Trenado
Review of Industrial Organization 37, 237-259, 2010
Demografía empresarial en Espana: tendencias y regularidades
JC Farinas, E Huergo
FEDEA - Studies on the Spanish Economy, 2015
La empresa industrial en la década de los noventa
JC Fariñas, J Jaumandreu, E Huergo, A Martín-Marcos, L Moreno, ...
Fundación Argentaria, 1999
Characteristics of entrepreneurs and public support for NTBFs
F Rojas, E Huergo
Small Business Economics 47 (2), 363-382, 2016
The role of international and domestic R&D outsourcing for firm innovation
M García-Vega, E Huergo
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 157, 775-792, 2019
Determinants of internal and external R&D offshoring: evidence from Spanish firms
MP Tamayo, E Huergo
Industry and Innovation 24, 143-164, 2017
Determinants of international R&D outsourcing: the role of trade
M García‐Vega, E Huergo
Review of Development Economics 15 (1), 93-107, 2011
La innovación y el crecimiento de la productividad en España
E Huergo, L Moreno Martín
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía 56, 208-231, 2004
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Articles 1–20