Ying Guo
Ying Guo
Central South University
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QTL mapping for seedling traits in wheat grown under varying concentrations of N, P and K nutrients
Y Guo, F Kong, Y Xu, Y Zhao, X Liang, Y Wang, D An, S Li
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 124, 851-865, 2012
Continuous-variable quantum key distribution with non-Gaussian quantum catalysis
Y Guo, W Ye, H Zhong, Q Liao
Physical Review A 99 (3), 032327, 2019
Bifurcation properties for fractional order delayed BAM neural networks
C Xu, M Liao, P Li, Y Guo, Z Liu
Cognitive Computation 13, 322-356, 2021
Continuous-variable measurement-device-independent multipartite quantum communication
Y Wu, J Zhou, X Gong, Y Guo, ZM Zhang, G He
Physical Review A 93 (2), 022325, 2016
Influence of multiple time delays on bifurcation of fractional-order neural networks
C Xu, M Liao, P Li, Y Guo, Q Xiao, S Yuan
Applied Mathematics and Computation 361, 565-582, 2019
Performance improvement of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with an entangled source in the middle via photon subtraction
Y Guo, Q Liao, Y Wang, D Huang, P Huang, G Zeng
Physical Review A 95 (3), 032304, 2017
Improvement of self-referenced continuous-variable quantum key distribution with quantum photon catalysis
W Ye, H Zhong, Q Liao, D Huang, L Hu, Y Guo
Optics express 27 (12), 17186-17198, 2019
Channel-parameter estimation for satellite-to-submarine continuous-variable quantum key distribution
Y Guo, C Xie, P Huang, J Li, L Zhang, D Huang, G Zeng
Physical Review A 97 (5), 052326, 2018
Haplotype, molecular marker and phenotype effects associated with mineral nutrient and grain size traits of TaGS1a in wheat
Y Guo, J Sun, G Zhang, Y Wang, F Kong, Y Zhao, S Li
Field Crops Research 154, 119-125, 2013
Quantum secret sharing using discretely modulated coherent states
Q Liao, H Liu, L Zhu, Y Guo
Physical Review A 103 (3), 032410, 2021
QTL mapping for phosphorus efficiency and morphological traits at seedling and maturity stages in wheat
Y Yuan, M Gao, M Zhang, H Zheng, X Zhou, Y Guo, Y Zhao, F Kong, S Li
Frontiers in plant science 8, 614, 2017
Continuous variable quantum signature algorithm
G Zeng, M Lee, Y Guo, G He
International Journal of Quantum Information 5 (04), 553-573, 2007
Detecting quantum attacks: A machine learning based defense strategy for practical continuous-variable quantum key distribution
Y Mao, W Huang, H Zhong, Y Wang, H Qin, Y Guo, D Huang
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083073, 2020
Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution using non-Gaussian state-discrimination detection
Q Liao, Y Guo, D Huang, P Huang, G Zeng
New Journal of Physics 20 (2), 023015, 2018
QTL mapping for quality traits using a high-density genetic map of wheat
Y Guo, G Zhang, B Guo, C Qu, M Zhang, F Kong, Y Zhao, S Li
Plos one 15 (3), e0230601, 2020
A GIS-based green supply chain model for assessing the effects of carbon price uncertainty on plastic recycling
H Ren, W Zhou, Y Guo, L Huang, Y Liu, Y Yu, L Hong, T Ma
International Journal of Production Research 58 (6), 1705-1723, 2020
Discretely modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution with an untrusted entanglement source
Q Liao, G Xiao, CG Xu, Y Xu, Y Guo
Physical Review A 102 (3), 032604, 2020
Input-to-state stability for stochastic multi-group models with multi-dispersal and time-varying delay
Y Guo, W Zhao, X Ding
Applied Mathematics and Computation 343, 114-127, 2019
Entanglement-distillation attack on continuous-variable quantum key distribution in a turbulent atmospheric channel
Y Guo, C Xie, Q Liao, W Zhao, G Zeng, D Huang
Physical Review A 96 (2), 022320, 2017
QTL mapping for nitrogen use efficiency and agronomic traits at the seedling and maturity stages in wheat
M Zhang, M Gao, H Zheng, Y Yuan, X Zhou, Y Guo, G Zhang, Y Zhao, ...
Molecular Breeding 39, 1-17, 2019
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