Ernst Biersack
Ernst Biersack
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Cited by
Dissecting bittorrent: Five months in a torrent’s lifetime
M Izal, G Urvoy-Keller, EW Biersack, PA Felber, A Al Hamra, ...
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 5th International Workshop, PAM 2004 …, 2004
Survey and taxonomy of IP address lookup algorithms
MÁ Ruiz-Sánchez, EW Biersack, W Dabbous
IEEE network 15 (2), 8-23, 2001
Measurements and Mitigation of Peer-to-Peer-based Botnets: A Case Study on Storm Worm.
T Holz, M Steiner, F Dahl, EW Biersack, FC Freiling
Leet 8 (1), 1-9, 2008
Parity-based loss recovery for reliable multicast transmission
J Nonnenmacher, EW Biersack, D Towsley
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 6 (4), 349-361, 1998
Hierarchical peer-to-peer systems
L Garces-Erice, EW Biersack, KW Ross, PA Felber, G Urvoy-Keller
Parallel Processing Letters 13 (04), 643-657, 2003
Parity-based loss recovery for reliable multicast transmission
J Nonnenmacher, E Biersack, D Towsley
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM'97 conference on Applications, technologies …, 1997
Analysis of web caching architectures: Hierarchical and distributed caching
P Rodriguez, C Spanner, EW Biersack
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 9 (4), 404-418, 2001
Survey of error recovery techniques for IP-based audio-visual multicast applications
G Carle, EW Biersack
IEEE Network 11 (6), 24-36, 1997
Dynamic parallel access to replicated content in the Internet
P Rodriguez, EW Biersack
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 10 (4), 455-465, 2002
A global view of kad
M Steiner, T En-Najjary, EW Biersack
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 117-122, 2007
PLM: fast convergence for cumulative layered multicast transmisson schemes
A Legout, EW Biersack
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 28 (1), 13-22, 2000
Internet video delivery in YouTube: From traffic measurements to quality of experience
T Hoßfeld, R Schatz, E Biersack, L Plissonneau
Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: From Measurement, Classification, and …, 2013
Performance evaluation of forward error correction in ATM networks
EW Biersack
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 22 (4), 248-257, 1992
Scalable feedback for large groups
J Nonnenmacher, EW Biersack
IEEE/ACM transactions on Networking 7 (3), 375-386, 1999
Long Term Study of Peer Behavior in the kad DHT
M Steiner, T En-Najjary, EW Biersack
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 17 (5), 1371-1384, 2009
Exploiting KAD: possible uses and misuses
M Steiner, T En-Najjary, EW Biersack
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 37 (5), 65-70, 2007
Parallel-access for mirror sites in the internet
P Rodriguez, A Kirpal, EW Biersack
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2000
Optimal multicast feedback
J Nonnenmacher, EW Biersack
Proceedings. IEEE INFOCOM'98, the Conference on Computer Communications …, 1998
Efficient search in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
V Cholvi, P Felber, E Biersack
Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in …, 2004
PULSE: an adaptive, incentive-based, unstructured P2P live streaming system
F Pianese, D Perino, J Keller, EW Biersack
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9 (8), 1645-1660, 2007
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Articles 1–20