James Avery Sauls
James Avery Sauls
Professor & Hearne Chair of Theoretical Physics, Louisiana State University
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Tunneling into Current-Carrying Surface States of High- Tc Superconductors
M Fogelström, D Rainer, JA Sauls
Physical Review Letters 79, 281, 1997
Rapid postglitch spin-up of the superfluid core in pulsars
MA Alpar, SA Langer, JA Sauls
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 282, July 15, 1984, p …, 1984
Electronic thermal conductivity and the Wiedemann-Franz law for unconventional superconductors
MJ Graf, SK Yip, JA Sauls, D Rainer
Physical Review B 53 (22), 15147, 1996
The Order Parameter for the Superconducting Phases of UPt3
JA Sauls
Adv. Phys. 43, 113, 1994
Nonlinear Meissner effect in CuO superconductors
SK Yip, JA Sauls
Physical review letters 69 (15), 2264, 1992
Phase diagram of from ultrasonic velocity measurements
S Adenwalla, SW Lin, QZ Ran, Z Zhao, JB Ketterson, JA Sauls, L Taillefer, ...
Physical review letters 65 (18), 2298, 1990
Nonlinear Meissner effect in unconventional superconductors
D Xu, SK Yip, JA Sauls
Physical Review B 51 (22), 16233, 1995
Proximity effect of a ferromagnetic insulator in contact with a superconductor
T Tokuyasu, JA Sauls, D Rainer
Physical Review B 38 (13), 8823, 1988
Quasiclassical theory of superconductivity near magnetically active interfaces
A Millis, D Rainer, JA Sauls
Physical Review B 38 (7), 4504, 1988
Broken symmetry in an unconventional superconductor: a model for the double transition in UPt3
DW Hess, TA Tokuyasu, JA Sauls
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (43), 8135, 1989
Superfluidity in the interiors of neutron stars
JA Sauls
Timing neutron stars, 457-490, 1989
Models for Superfluid in Aerogel
EV Thuneberg, SK Yip, M Fogelström, JA Sauls
Physical review letters 80 (13), 2861, 1998
Thermodynamics of ad-wave superconductor near a surface
LJ Buchholtz, M Palumbo, D Rainer, JA Sauls
Journal of low temperature physics 101, 1079-1098, 1995
Vortex states in an unconventional superconductor and the mixed phases of
TA Tokuyasu, DW Hess, JA Sauls
Physical Review B 41 (13), 8891, 1990
On the dynamical coupling between the superfluid interior and the crust of a neutron star
MA Alpar, JA Sauls
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 327, April 15, 1988, p …, 1988
Low-Temperature Anomaly in the Penetration Depth of Films: Evidence for Andreev Bound States at Surfaces
H Walter, W Prusseit, R Semerad, H Kinder, W Assmann, H Huber, ...
Physical review letters 80 (16), 3598, 1998
Identification of odd-parity superconductivity in from paramagnetic effects on the upper critical field
CH Choi, JA Sauls
Physical review letters 66 (4), 484, 1991
Surface states, edge currents, and the angular momentum of chiral -wave superfluids
JA Sauls
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (21), 214509, 2011
The effect of surfaces on the tunneling density of states of an anisotropically paired superconductor
LJ Buchholtz, M Palumbo, D Rainer, JA Sauls
Journal of low temperature physics 101, 1099-1121, 1995
Anisotropy of the Magnetic-Field-Induced Phase Transition in Superconducting UPt3
A Schenstrom, MF Xu, Y Hong, D Bein, M Levy, BK Sarma, S Adenwalla, ...
Ten Years of Superconductivity: 1980–1990, 193-196, 1993
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Articles 1–20