Aslam H Anis
Aslam H Anis
School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
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The incidence of co-morbidities related to obesity and overweight: a systematic review and meta-analysis
D Guh, W Zhang, N Bansback, Z Amarsi, CL Birmingham, AH Anis
BMC Public Health 9 (1), 88, 2009
The cost of obesity in Canada
CL Birmingham, JL Muller, A Palepu, JJ Spinelli, AH Anis
Canadian Medical Association Journal 160 (4), 483, 1999
Therapies for Active Rheumatoid Arthritis after Methotrexate Failure
JR O'Dell, TR Mikuls, TH Taylor, V Ahluwalia, M Brophy, SR Warren, ...
New England Journal of Medicine, 2013
A comparison of generic, indirect utility measures (the HUI2, HUI3, SF-6D, and the EQ-5D) and disease-specific instruments (the RAQoL and the HAQ) in rheumatoid arthritis
CA Marra, JC Woolcott, JA Kopec, K Shojania, R Offer, JE Brazier, ...
Social science & medicine 60 (7), 1571-1582, 2005
Diacetylmorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid addiction
E Oviedo-Joekes, S Brissette, DC Marsh, P Lauzon, D Guh, AH Anis, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 361 (8), 777-786, 2009
Obesity and overweight in Canada: an updated cost‐of‐illness study
AH Anis, W Zhang, N Bansback, DP Guh, Z Amarsi, CL Birmingham
Obesity Reviews 11 (1), 31-40, 2010
Measuring and valuing productivity loss due to poor health: A critical review
W Zhang, N Bansback, AH Anis
Social science & medicine 72 (2), 185-192, 2011
Hospital utilization and costs in a cohort of injection drug users
A Palepu, MW Tyndall, H Leon, J Muller, MV O'Shaughnessy, ...
Cmaj 165 (4), 415-420, 2001
Evaluating health-related quality-of-life studies in paediatric populations: some conceptual, methodological and developmental considerations and recent applications
M De Civita, D Regier, AH Alamgir, AH Anis, MJ FitzGerald, CA Marra
Pharmacoeconomics 23 (7), 659-685, 2005
Validity of the work productivity and activity impairment questionnaire-general health version in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
W Zhang, N Bansback, A Boonen, A Young, A Singh, AH Anis
Arthritis research & therapy 12, 1-7, 2010
Using a discrete choice experiment to estimate health state utility values
N Bansback, J Brazier, A Tsuchiya, AH Anis
Journal of Health Economics, 2011
Gaps in care for rheumatoid arthritis: a population study
D Lacaille, AH Anis, DP Guh, JM Esdaile
Arthritis Care & Research: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2005
The indirect costs of arthritis resulting from unemployment, reduced performance, and occupational changes while at work
X Li, MAM Gignac, AH Anis
Medical care 44 (4), 304, 2006
Canadian valuation of EQ-5D health states: preliminary value set and considerations for future valuation studies
N Bansback, A Tsuchiya, J Brazier, A Anis
PloS one 7 (2), e31115, 2012
Use of nonbiologic disease‐modifying antirheumatic drugs and risk of infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
D Lacaille, DP Guh, M Abrahamowicz, AH Anis, JM Esdaile
Arthritis care & research 59 (8), 1074-1081, 2008
Propofol vs Midazolam for ICU Sedation: a Canadian multicentre randomized trial - clinical considerations
RI Hall, D Sandham, P Cardinal, M Tweeddale, D Moher, X Wang, ...
Chest 119 (4), 1151-1159, 2001
Measuring worker productivity: frameworks and measures
D Beaton, C Bombardier, R Escorpizo, W Zhang, D Lacaille, A Boonen, ...
The Journal of rheumatology 36 (9), 2100-2109, 2009
Descriptive epidemiology of osteoarthritis in British Columbia, Canada.
JA Kopec, MM Rahman, JM Berthelot, C Le Petit, J Aghajanian, EC Sayre, ...
The Journal of Rheumatology 34 (2), 386-393, 2007
Leaving hospital against medical advice among HIV-positive patients
AH Anis, H Sun, DP Guh, A Palepu, MT Schechter, MV O'Shaughnessy
Cmaj 167 (6), 633-637, 2002
Practical pharmacogenetics: the cost effectiveness of screening for thiopurine s-methyltransferase polymorphisms in patients with rheumatological conditions treated with …
CA Marra, JM Esdaile, AH Anis
The Journal of rheumatology 29 (12), 2507-2512, 2002
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Articles 1–20