Christof Büskens
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Cited by
SQP-methods for solving optimal control problems with control and state constraints: adjoint variables, sensitivity analysis and real-time control
C Büskens, H Maurer
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 120 (1-2), 85-108, 2000
The esa nlp solver worhp
C Büskens, D Wassel
Modeling and optimization in space engineering, 85-110, 2013
Optimierungsmethoden und sensitivitätsanalyse für optimale steuerprozesse mit steuer-und zustands-beschränkungen
C Büskens
Optimization methods for the verification of second order sufficient conditions for bang–bang controls
H Maurer, C Büskens, JHR Kim, CY Kaya
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 26 (3), 129-156, 2005
Convergence of approximations to nonlinear optimal control problems
K Malanowski, C Büskens, H Maurer
Mathematical programming with data perturbations, 253-284, 2020
Sensitivity analysis and real-time optimization of parametric nonlinear programming problems
C Büskens, H Maurer
Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems, 3-16, 2001
Controlling an autonomous vehicle with deep reinforcement learning
A Folkers, M Rick, C Büskens
2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2025-2031, 2019
Sensitivity analysis and real-time control of parametric optimal control problems using nonlinear programming methods
C Büskens, H Maurer
Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems, 57-68, 2001
Multiscale optimization of the probe placement for radiofrequency ablation
I Altrogge, T Preusser, T Kröger, C Büskens, PL Pereira, D Schmidt, ...
Academic radiology 14 (11), 1310-1324, 2007
Solution techniques for periodic control problems: A case study in production planning
H Maurer, C Büskens, G Feichtinger
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 19 (3), 185-203, 1998
Approximation of reachable sets by direct solution methods for optimal control problems
R Baier, C Büskens, IA Chahma, M Gerdts
Optimisation Methods and Software 22 (3), 433-452, 2007
Towards optimization of probe placement for radio-frequency ablation
I Altrogge, T Kröger, T Preusser, C Büskens, PL Pereira, D Schmidt, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2006: 9th …, 2006
From worhp to transworhp
M Knauer, C Büskens
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on astrodynamics tools and …, 2012
Real-time solutions of bang-bang and singular optimal control problems
C Büskens, HJ Pesch, S Winderl
Online optimization of large scale systems, 129-142, 2001
Numerical solution of optimal control problems with DAE systems of higher index
C Büskens, M Gerdts
Hieronymus, 2000
Echtzeitoptimierung und Echtzeitoptimalsteuerung parametergestörter probleme
C Büskens
Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, 2002
Direkte optimierungsmethoden zur numerischen Berechnung optimaler Steuerungen
C Büskens
Institut fur Numerische Mathematik, 1993
A primal–dual augmented Lagrangian penalty-interior-point filter line search algorithm
R Kuhlmann, C Büskens
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 87 (3), 451-483, 2018
Autonomous driving based on nonlinear model predictive control and multi-sensor fusion
M Rick, J Clemens, L Sommer, A Folkers, K Schill, C Büskens
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (8), 182-187, 2019
Quantitative assessment of multidisciplinary design models for expendable launch vehicles
F Castellini, MR Lavagna, A Riccardi, C Büskens
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 51 (1), 343-359, 2014
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Articles 1–20