Claudio Zambaldi
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Cited by
Integrated experimental–simulation analysis of stress and strain partitioning in multiphase alloys
CC Tasan, M Diehl, D Yan, C Zambaldi, P Shanthraj, F Roters, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 81, 386-400, 2014
Orientation informed nanoindentation of alpha-titanium: Indentation pileup in hexagonal metals deforming by prismatic slip
C Zambaldi, Y Yang, TR Bieler, D Raabe
J. Mater. Res, 2012
Plastic anisotropy of gamma-TiAl revealed by axisymmetric indentation
C Zambaldi, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 58 (9), 3516-3530, 2010
Modeling and experiments on the indentation deformation and recrystallization of a single-crystal nickel-base superalloy
C Zambaldi, F Roters, D Raabe, U Glatzel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 454, 433-440, 2007
Orientation dependent deformation by slip and twinning in magnesium during single crystal indentation
C Zambaldi, C Zehnder, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 91, 267-288, 2015
Quantifying deformation processes near grain boundaries in α titanium using nanoindentation and crystal plasticity modeling
Y Su, C Zambaldi, D Mercier, P Eisenlohr, TR Bieler, MA Crimp
International Journal of Plasticity 86, 170-186, 2016
Characterization and modeling of heterogeneous deformation in commercial purity titanium
Y Yang, L Wang, C Zambaldi, P Eisenlohr, R Barabash, W Liu, MR Stoudt, ...
Jom 63, 66-73, 2011
Characterization of order domains in gamma-TiAl by orientation microscopy based on electron backscatter diffraction
C Zambaldi, S Zaefferer, SI Wright
Journal of Applied Crystallography 42 (6), 1092-1101, 2009
Analysis of the plastic anisotropy and pre-yielding of (γ/α2)-phase titanium aluminide microstructures by crystal plasticity simulation
C Zambaldi, F Roters, D Raabe
Intermetallics 19 (6), 820-827, 2011
A Matlab toolbox to analyze slip transfer through grain boundaries
D Mercier, C Zambaldi, TR Bieler
preprint, 2014
High temperature deformation mechanisms in pure magnesium studied by nanoindentation
R Sánchez-Martín, C Zambaldi, MT Pérez-Prado, JM Molina-Aldareguia
Scripta Materialia 104, 9-12, 2015
Micromechanical modeling of gamma-TiAl based alloys
C Zambaldi
RWTH Aachen, 2010
An instrumented spherical indentation study on high purity magnesium loaded nearly parallel to the c-axis
G Nayyeri, WJ Poole, CW Sinclair, S Zaefferer, PJ Konijnenberg, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 670, 132-145, 2016
Orientation dependence of local lattice rotations at precipitates: Example of κ-Fe3AlC carbides in a Fe3Al-based alloy
S Kobayashi, C Zambaldi, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 58 (20), 6672-6684, 2010
Nanometer deformation of elastically anisotropic materials studied by nanoindentation
KB Yeap, M Kopycinska-Müller, UD Hangen, C Zambaldi, R Hübner, ...
Philosophical Magazine, 2012
Crystal plasticity modelling and experiments for deriving microstructure-property relationships in γ-TiAl based alloys
C Zambaldi, D Raabe
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 240 (1), 012140, 2010
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Articles 1–16