Ahmad Mahmoody
Ahmad Mahmoody
Machine Learning, Snap Inc.
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Cited by
THetA: inferring intra-tumor heterogeneity from high-throughput DNA sequencing data
L Oesper, A Mahmoody, BJ Raphael
Genome biology 14, 1-21, 2013
Adaptive User Modeling with Long and Short-Term Preferences for Personalized Recommendation.
Z Yu, J Lian, A Mahmoody, G Liu, X Xie
IJCAI 7, 4213-4219, 2019
A combinatorial approach for analyzing intra-tumor heterogeneity from high-throughput sequencing data
I Hajirasouliha, A Mahmoody, BJ Raphael
Bioinformatics 30 (12), i78-i86, 2014
Scalable betweenness centrality maximization via sampling
A Mahmoody, CE Tsourakakis, E Upfal
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2016
On zero-sum 6-flows of graphs
S Akbari, N Ghareghani, GB Khosrovshahi, A Mahmoody
Linear algebra and its applications 430 (11-12), 3047-3052, 2009
Tagging address queries in maps search
S Mokhtari, A Mahmoody, D Yankov, N Xie
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 9547-9551, 2019
Reconstructing genome mixtures from partial adjacencies
A Mahmoody, CL Kahn, BJ Raphael
BMC bioinformatics 13 (Suppl 19), S9, 2012
Livemaps: Learning geo-intent from images of maps on a large scale
MR Evans, A Mahmoody, D Yankov, F Teodorescu, W Wu, P Berkhin
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances …, 2017
Wiggins: Detecting valuable information in dynamic networks using limited resources
A Mahmoody, M Riondato, E Upfal
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data …, 2016
Real-time targeted-influence queries over large graphs
A Epasto, A Mahmoody, E Upfal
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2017
A note on graceful graphs with large chromatic numbers
A Mahmoody
Ars Combin 90, 423-424, 2009
Optimizing static and adaptive probing schedules for rapid event detection
A Mahmoody, E Upfal
Theoretical Computer Science 774, 14-30, 2019
Scalable Algorithms for Mining Graphs and Social Networks via Sampling.
A Mahmoody
Brown University, USA, 2017
The Probabilistic Hitting Set Paradigm: a General Framework for Search and Detection in Dynamic Social Networks
A Mahmoody, E Upfal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.03275, 2015
Tractability Results for the Double-Cut-and-Join Multichromosomal Median Problem (Genomic Distance, Median Problem, Genomic Rearrangement, Double-Cut-and-Join).
A Mahmoody-Ghaidary
Library and Archives Canada= Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, 2014
Tractability results for the Double-Cut-and-Join circular median problem
A Mahmoody-Ghaidary, C Chauve, L Stacho
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.5872, 2011
Tractability results for the double-cut-and-join multichromosomal median problem
A Mahmoody Ghaidary
Simon Fraser University, 2011
On the size of graphs whose cycles have length divisible by a fixed integer.
S Akbari, M Jamaali, A Mahmoody, SAS Fakhari
Australas. J Comb. 45, 67-72, 2009
On the Size of Graphs Whose Cycles Have Length Divisible by l
S Akbarib, M Jamaalia, A Mahmoodya, SAS Fakharia
Supplemental Material for “THetA: Inferring intra-tumor heterogeneity from high-throughput DNA sequencing data”
L Oesper, A Mahmoody, BJ Raphael
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Articles 1–20