Dan A. Black
Dan A. Black
Harris School, University of Chicago
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Demographics of the Gay and Lesbian Population in the United States: Evidence From Available Systematic Data Sources
D Black, G Gates, S Sanders, L Taylor
Demography, 139-54, 2000
How robust is the evidence on the effects of college quality? Evidence from matching
DA Black, JA Smith
Journal of Econometrics 121 (1-2), 99-124, 2004
Job matching and on-the-job training
JM Barron, DA Black, MA Loewenstein
Journal of Labor Economics 7 (1), 1-19, 1989
The economic impact of the coal boom and bust
D Black, T McKinnish, S Sanders
The Economic Journal 115 (503), 449-476, 2005
Is the threat of reemployment services more effective than the services themselves? Evidence from random assignment in the UI system
DA Black, JA Smith, MC Berger, BJ Noel
American Economic Review 93 (4), 1313-1327, 2003
Estimating the returns to college quality with multiple proxies for quality
DA Black, JA Smith
Journal of Labor Economics 24 (3), 701-728, 2006
Discrimination in an equilibrium search model
DA Black
Journal of Labor Economics 13 (2), 309-334, 1995
Employer size: The implications for search, training, capital investment, starting wages, and wage growth
JM Barron, DA Black, MA Loewenstein
Journal of Labor Economics 5 (1), 76-89, 1987
The Earnings Effect of Sexual Orientation
DA Black, HR Makar, SG Sanders, LJ Taylor
Industrial & Labor Relations Review 56 (3), 449, 2003
The impact of economic conditions on participation in disability programs: Evidence from the coal boom and bust
D Black, K Daniel, S Sanders
The American Economic Review 92 (1), 27-50, 2002
"Do Workers Pay for On-the-job Training"
DB JM Barron, MC Berger
Journal of Human Resources 34 (2), 235-52, 1999
The economics of lesbian and gay families
DA Black, SG Sanders, LJ Taylor
Journal of Economic Perspectives 21 (2), 53-70, 2007
Bidding for firms
DA Black, WH Hoyt
The American Economic Review 79 (5), 1249-1256, 1989
Do right-to-carry laws deter violent crime?
DA Black, DS Nagin
The Journal of Legal Studies 27 (1), 209-219, 1998
Gender differences in training, capital, and wages
JM Barron, DA Black, MA Loewenstein
Journal of Human Resources, 343-364, 1993
Why do gay men live in San Francisco?
D Black, G Gates, S Sanders, L Taylor
Journal of Urban Economics 51 (1), 54-76, 2002
Child care subsidies, quality of care, and the labor supply of low-income, single mothers
MC Berger, DA Black
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 635-642, 1992
How well do we measure training?
JM Barron, MC Berger, DA Black
Journal of Labor Economics 15 (3), 507-528, 1997
Gender wage disparities among the highly educated
DA Black, AM Haviland, SG Sanders, LJ Taylor
Journal of Human Resources 43 (3), 630-659, 2008
Why do so few women work in New York (and so many in Minneapolis)? Labor supply of married women across US cities
D Black, N Kolesnikova, L Taylor
Journal of Urban Economics 70 (1), 59-71, 2014
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Articles 1–20