François Verzier
François Verzier
PhD student, ISTerre
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Cited by
Modelling the demand and access of mineral resources in a changing world
O Vidal, H Le Boulzec, B Andrieu, F Verzier
Sustainability 14 (1), 11, 2021
Dynamic modeling of global fossil fuel infrastructure and materials needs: Overcoming a lack of available data
H Le Boulzec, L Delannoy, B Andrieu, F Verzier, O Vidal, S Mathy
Applied Energy 326, 119871, 2022
Energy intensity of final consumption: the richer, the poorer the efficiency
B Andrieu, O Vidal, H Le Boulzec, L Delannoy, F Verzier
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (19), 13909-13919, 2022
Material requirements and impacts of the building sector in the shared socioeconomic pathways
H Le Boulzec, S Mathy, F Verzier, B Andrieu, D Monfort-Climent, O Vidal
Journal of Cleaner Production 428, 139117, 2023
Mapping global greenhouse gases emissions: an interactive, open access web application
B Andrieu, H Le-Boulzec, L Delannoy, F Verzier, G Winter, O Vidal
An open-access web application to visualise countries’ and regions’ carbon footprints using Sankey diagrams
B Andrieu, H Le Boulzec, L Delannoy, F Verzier, G Winter, O Vidal, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 236, 2024
Modéliser l'économie dans l'environnement Des concepts aux données: une modélisation sous contraintes
H Bailly, C Guitonneau, P Jacques, H Martin, P Valcke, F Verzier
Conférence Archipel 2022: Risques systémiques, trajectoires et leviers d …, 2022
Supplementary information-Dynamic modeling of global fossil fuel infrastructure and materials needs: overcoming a lack of available data
H Le Boulzec, L Delannoy, B Andrieu, F Verzier, O Vidal, S Mathy
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Articles 1–8