José-Manuel Rey
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Cited by
On the role of Shannon’s entropy as a measure of heterogeneity
MA Martı́n, JM Rey
Geoderma 98 (1), 1-3, 2000
A mathematical model of sentimental dynamics accounting for marital dissolution
JM Rey
PloS one 5 (3), e9881, 2010
Dimension of a measure
P Mattila, M Morán, JM Rey
Studia Math 142 (3), 219-233, 2000
An entropy-based heterogeneity index for mass–size distributions in Earth science
MA Martı́n, JM Rey, FJ Taguas
Ecological Modelling 182 (3-4), 221-228, 2005
Singularity of self-similar measures with respect to Hausdorff measures
M Morán, JM Rey
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 350 (6), 2297-2310, 1998
An entropy–based parametrization of soil texture via fractal modelling of particle–size distribution
M Angel Martín, J Manue Rey, F Javier Taguas
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2001
Geometry of self-similar measures
M Morán, JM Rey
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae 22, 365-386, 1997
Choice overload, satisficing behavior, and price distribution in a time allocation model
F Álvarez, JM Rey, RG Sanchis
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (1), 569054, 2014
Balanced entropy index to characterize soil texture for soil water retention estimation
MA Martin, YA Pachepsky, JM Rey, J Taguas, WJ Rawls
Soil Science 170 (10), 759-766, 2005
Numerical analysis of a time allocation model accounting for choice overload
RG Sanchis, JM Rey, F Álvarez
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 91 (2), 315-326, 2014
Sentimental equilibria with optimal control
JM Rey
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (7-8), 1965-1969, 2013
Controlling forever love
J Herrera de la Cruz, JM Rey
PloS one 16 (12), e0260529, 2021
The role of Billingsley dimensions in computing fractal dimensions on Cantor-like spaces
JM Rey
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (2), 561-572, 2000
On the fractal modelling of biomass distributions: an application to size class in fisheries
C García-Gutiérrez, MÁ Martín, JM Rey
Ecological Complexity 6 (3), 246-253, 2009
Inter-scale behavior of balanced entropy for soil texture
JM Rey, E Montero, MA Martín
Geoderma 134 (3-4), 415-427, 2006
Consumer’s response to price distribution and σ-overload under time allocation
F Álvarez, JM Rey, RG Sanchis
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 291, 242-256, 2016
Optimal control of long-term sentimental dynamics
JM Rey
Proceedings of Modelling for Engineering & Human Behavior, 274-278, 2011
Geometría de medidas y conjuntos autosemejantes
JM Rey Simó
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2002
A computational stochastic dynamic model to assess the risk of breakup in a romantic relationship
JH de la Cruz, JM Rey
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2023
La Economía del Comportamiento en la asignatura de Teoría de Juegos: Experimentos en las aulas
E Camiña Centeno, E Cerdá Tena, F Álvarez González, ...
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