Felipe Gerhard
Felipe Gerhard
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Brown Universitz, Providence, RI
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Extraction of network topology from multi-electrode recordings: is there a small-world effect?
F Gerhard, G Pipa, B Lima, S Neuenschwander, W Gerstner
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 5, 2011
Inference of neuronal network spike dynamics and topology from calcium imaging data
H Lütcke, F Gerhard, F Zenke, W Gerstner, F Helmchen
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 7, 201, 2013
Successful reconstruction of a physiological circuit with known connectivity from spiking activity alone
F Gerhard, T Kispersky, GJ Gutierrez, E Marder, M Kramer, U Eden
PLoS Comput Biol 9 (7), e1003138, 2013
Improved similarity measures for small sets of spike trains
R Naud, F Gerhard, S Mensi, W Gerstner
Neural computation 23 (12), 3016-3069, 2011
Applying the multivariate time-rescaling theorem to neural population models
F Gerhard, R Haslinger, G Pipa
Neural computation 23 (6), 1452-1483, 2011
Rescaling, thinning or complementing? On goodness-of-fit procedures for point process models and Generalized Linear Models
F Gerhard, W Gerstner
Advances in neural information processing systems, 703-711, 2010
A robust biologically plausible implementation of ICA-like learning.
F Gerhard, C Savin, J Triesch
ESANN, 2009
Spline-and wavelet-based models of neural activity in response to natural visual stimulation
F Gerhard, L Szegletes
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Successful prediction of a physiological circuit with known connectivity from spiking activity alone
F Gerhard, T Kispersky, GJ Gutierrez, E Marder, M Kramer, U Eden
BMC Neuroscience 14 (Suppl 1), P118, 2013
Efficient modeling of neural activity using coupled renewal processes
F Gerhard, W Gerstner
BMC Neuroscience 12 (1), 1, 2011
Estimation of small-world topology of cortical networks using Generalized Linear Models
F Gerhard, G Pipa, W Gerstner
Goettingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 2011
Statistical tests for neural population models-The multivariate time rescaling theorem
RH Haslinger, F Gerhard, G Pipa
2010 Neuroscience Meeting: Society for Neuroscience, 2010
A simple Hidden Markov Model for midbrain dopaminergic neurons
F Gerhard, J Schiemann, J Roeper, G Schneider
BMC Neuroscience 10 (1), 1, 2009
Object perception as Bayesian inference
F Gerhard
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Articles 1–14