Samuel Tuttle
Samuel Tuttle
Assistant Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Syracuse University
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Cited by
Empirical evidence of contrasting soil moisture–precipitation feedbacks across the United States
S Tuttle, G Salvucci
Science 352 (6287), 825-828, 2016
Plant functional traits and climate influence drought intensification and land–atmosphere feedbacks
WRL Anderegg, AT Trugman, DR Bowling, G Salvucci, SE Tuttle
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 14071-14076, 2019
A new approach for validating satellite estimates of soil moisture using large-scale precipitation: Comparing AMSR-E products
SE Tuttle, GD Salvucci
Remote sensing of environment 142, 207-222, 2014
A New Approach for Validating Satellite Estimates of Soil Moisture Using Large-Scale Precipitation: Comparing AMSR-E Products
SE Tuttle, G Salvucci
AGUFM 2012, H11N-02, 2012
Confounding factors in determining causal soil moisture‐precipitation feedback
SE Tuttle, GD Salvucci
Water Resources Research 53 (7), 5531-5544, 2017
Remote sensing of drivers of spring snowmelt flooding in the north central US
SE Tuttle, E Cho, PJ Restrepo, X Jia, CM Vuyovich, MH Cosh, JM Jacobs
Remote sensing of hydrological extremes, 21-45, 2017
Evaluating consistency of snow water equivalent retrievals from passive microwave sensors over the north central US: SSM/I vs. SSMIS and AMSR-E vs. AMSR2
E Cho, SE Tuttle, JM Jacobs
Remote Sensing 9 (5), 465, 2017
Improvement of operational airborne gamma radiation snow water equivalent estimates using SMAP soil moisture
E Cho, JM Jacobs, R Schroeder, SE Tuttle, C Olheiser
Remote Sensing of Environment 240, 111668, 2020
Intercomparison of snow water equivalent observations in the Northern Great Plains
SE Tuttle, JM Jacobs, CM Vuyovich, C Olheiser, E Cho
Hydrological Processes 32 (6), 817-829, 2018
Comparison of satellite passive microwave with modeled snow water equivalent estimates in the Red River of the North Basin
R Schroeder, JM Jacobs, E Cho, CM Olheiser, MM DeWeese, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2019
A new method for calibrating a simple, watershed‐scale model of evapotranspiration: Maximizing the correlation between observed streamflow and model‐inferred storage
SE Tuttle, GD Salvucci
Water Resources Research 48 (5), 2012
A new method for calibrating a simple, watershed-scale model of evapotranspiration: maximizing the correlation between observed streamflow and model-inferred storage
SE Tuttle, G Salvucci
AGUFM 2011, H31F-1239, 2011
Comparison of Arctic Lake Ice Cover Timing on Svalbard Using Satellite and In-Situ Data
J Cao, SE Tuttle
AGUFM 2018, C43C-1790, 2018
Enhanced identification of snow melt and refreeze events from passive microwave brightness temperature using air temperature
SE Tuttle, JM Jacobs
Water Resources Research 55 (4), 3248-3265, 2019
Timing of Snow Melt and Refreeze Events in the Northern US (2003 to Present) from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations
S Tuttle
100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2020
Evaluation of Satellite Soil Moisture Datasets Using Mutual Information with Precipitation
SE Tuttle, G Salvucci
AGUFM 2019, H53E-03, 2019
A Global Assessment of Satellite Soil Moisture Datasets Using Precipitation and Mutual Information
SE Tuttle, G Salvucci
AGUFM 2018, H31B-02, 2018
Identification of Snow Melt and Refreeze Events Using Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature and Air Temperature
SE Tuttle, JM Jacobs
AGUFM 2017, C13C-0977, 2017
Evaluation and Application of Gridded Snow Water Equivalent Products for Improving Snowmelt Flood Predictions in the Red River Basin of the North
R Schroeder, JM Jacobs, C Vuyovich, E Cho, SE Tuttle
AGUFM 2017, H13I-1504, 2017
Mid-Latitude Snowmelt Onset Detection Via Microwave Remote Sensing
C Vuyovich, JM Jacobs, D Osborne, AG Hunsaker, SE Tuttle
AGUFM 2016, C51C-0668, 2016
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Articles 1–20