Yangyang Zhang
Yangyang Zhang
在 act.buaa.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
{HotSnap}: A Hot Distributed Snapshot System For Virtual Machine Cluster
L Cui, B Li, Y Zhang, J Li
27th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA 13), 59-74, 2013
Efficient task allocation for real-time partitioned scheduling on multi-core systems
N Akram, Y Zhang, S Ali, HM Amjad
2019 16th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and …, 2019
Towards an efficient snapshot approach for virtual machines in clouds
J Li, Y Zhang, J Zheng, H Liu, B Li, J Huai
Information Sciences 379, 3-22, 2017
HotML: A DSM-based machine learning system for social networks
Y Zhang, J Li, C Sun, MZA Bhuiyan, W Yu, R Zhang
Journal of computational science 26, 478-487, 2018
FluteDB: an efficient and dependable time-series database storage engine
C Li, J Li, J Si, Y Zhang
Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage …, 2017
Node embedding over attributed bipartite graphs
H Ahmed, Y Zhang, MS Zafar, N Sheikh, Z Tai
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: 13th International Conference …, 2020
DPS: A DSM-based Parameter Server for Machine Learning
C Sun, Y Zhang, W Yu, R Zhang, MZA Bhuiyan, J Li
ISPAN, 20-27, 2017
RPS-TSM: A robot perception system based on temporal semantic map
H Wang, Y Zhang, J Li, R Zhang, MZA Bhuiyan
Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage …, 2017
Real‐time partitioned scheduling: Exploiting the inter‐resource affinity for task allocation on multiprocessors
N Akram, J Li, Y Bai, Y Zhang
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 33 (7), 1-1, 2021
SPFC: An Effective Optimization for Vertex-centric Graph Processing Systems
J Li, Y Cao, Y Zhang, MZA Bhuiyan, B Li
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2017
FreeLauncher: Lossless Failure Recovery of Parameter Servers with Ultralight Replication
Y Zhang, J Li, Y Zhang, L Wang, L Liu
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 472-482, 2021
PMS: an Effective Approximation Approach for Distributed Large-scale Graph Data Processing and Mining
Y Cao, Y Zhang, J Li
CIKM, 1999-2002, 2017
Efficient Live Snapshot for Virtual Machines: A Multi-layer Coordination Approach
J Zheng, J Li, L Cui, Y Zhang
文章 1–13