Ce Shi
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Cited by
Hydrophilic Co@ Au yolk/shell nanospheres: synthesis, assembly, and application to gene delivery
Y Lu, Y Zhao, L Yu, L Dong, C Shi, MJ Hu, YJ Xu, LP Wen, SH Yu
Advanced Materials 12 (22), 1407-1411, 2010
Magnetic alloy nanorings loaded with gold nanoparticles: Synthesis and applications as multimodal imaging contrast agents
Y Lu, C Shi, MJ Hu, YJ Xu, L Yu, LP Wen, Y Zhao, WP Xu, SH Yu
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (21), 3701-3706, 2010
Gold nanorod plasmonic upconversion microlaser
C Shi, S Soltani, AM Armani
Nano letters 13 (12), 5827-5831, 2013
Mn-Substituted [Zn1−xMnxSe](DETA)0.5 (x = 0−0.3) Inorganic−Organic Hybrid Nanobelts: Synthesis, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, and …
M Zhang, C Shi, TK Zhang, M Feng, L Chang, WT Yao, SH Yu
Chemistry of Materials 21 (22), 5485-5490, 2009
Optimizing the signal to noise ratio of microcavity sensors
MI Cheema, C Shi, AM Armani, AG Kirk
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (20), 2023-2026, 2014
Near-field light scattering techniques for measuring nanoparticle-surface interaction energies and forces
P Schein, CK Ashcroft, D O'Dell, IS Adam, B DiPaolo, M Sabharwal, C Shi, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (16), 3494-3502, 2015
Optical microcavities with a thiol-functionalized gold nanoparticle polymer thin film coating
C Shi, H Seok Choi, AM Armani
Applied physics letters 100 (1), 2012
Leveraging bimodal kinetics to improve detection specificity
C Shi, S Mehrabani, AM Armani
Optics Letters 37 (10), 1643-1645, 2012
Label-free, single molecule resonant cavity detection: A double-blind experimental study
MV Chistiakova, C Shi, AM Armani
Sensors 15 (3), 6324-6341, 2015
Integrated Hybrid Microcavities for Low Threshold Lasers
AM Armani, C Shi, N Deka, K Kuo
Frontiers in Optics, FTu3F. 1, 2015
Optically active silica and polymeric materials for microcavity lasers and sensors
AM Armani, N Deka, S Mehrabani, C Shi, A Maker, M Lee, A Kovach, ...
Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVII 9343, 61-66, 2015
Optically pumped gold nanorod plasmonic microlaser
C Shi, S Soltani, A Armani
Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVI 8960, 92-99, 2014
Gold Nanosphere Coated Microtoroid Resonators
C Shi, HS Choi, AM Armani
Laser Science, JWA32, 2011
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Articles 1–13