Marion B. Eberly
Marion B. Eberly
Associate Professor, Milgard School of Business, University of Washington Tacoma
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5 turnover and retention research: a glance at the past, a closer review of the present, and a venture into the future
BC Holtom, TR Mitchell, TW Lee, MB Eberly
The Academy of Management Annals 2 (1), 231-274, 2008
Affective trust in Chinese leaders: Linking paternalistic leadership to employee performance
XP Chen, MB Eberly, TJ Chiang, JL Farh, BS Cheng
Journal of management 40 (3), 796-819, 2014
The loci and mechanisms of leadership: Exploring a more comprehensive view of leadership theory
M Hernandez, MB Eberly, BJ Avolio, MD Johnson
The leadership quarterly 22 (6), 1165-1185, 2011
Surveying the forest: A meta‐analysis, moderator investigation, and future‐oriented discussion of the antecedents of voluntary employee turnover
AL Rubenstein, MB Eberly, TW Lee, TR Mitchell
Personnel psychology 71 (1), 23-65, 2018
Beyond internal and external: A dyadic theory of relational attributions
MB Eberly, EC Holley, MD Johnson, TR Mitchell
Academy of Management Review 36 (4), 731-753, 2011
On the next decade of research in voluntary employee turnover
TW Lee, PW Hom, MB Eberly, Junchao (Jason) Li, TR Mitchell
Academy of management perspectives 31 (3), 201-221, 2017
Managing employee retention and turnover with 21st century ideas
TW Lee, P Hom, M Eberly, JJ Li
Organizational dynamics 47 (2), 88-98, 2018
An integrative process model of leadership: Examining loci, mechanisms, and event cycles.
MB Eberly, MD Johnson, M Hernandez, BJ Avolio
American psychologist 68 (6), 427, 2013
Staying after the storm: How transformational leadership relates to follower turnover intentions in extreme contexts
MB Eberly, DJ Bluhm, C Guarana, BJ Avolio, ST Hannah
Journal of Vocational Behavior 102, 72-85, 2017
Leading via the heart and mind: The roles of leader and follower emotions, attributions and interdependence
MB Eberly, CT Fong
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (5), 696-711, 2013
It’s not me, it’s not you, it’s us! An empirical examination of relational attributions.
MB Eberly, EC Holley, MD Johnson, TR Mitchell
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (5), 711, 2017
Junchao (Jason) Li, & Mitchell
TW Lee, PW Hom, MB Eberly
TR, 2017
Looking beyond the trees: A meta-analysis and integration of voluntary turnover research
AL Rubenstein, MB Eberly, T Lee, TR Mitchell
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 12779, 2015
Attributions and emotions as mediators and/or moderators in the goal-striving process
MB Eberly, D Liu, TR Mitchell, TW Lee
New developments in goal setting and task performance, 35-50, 2013
Control voluntary turnover by understanding its causes
MB Eberly, BC Holtom, TW Lee, TR Mitchell
Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior: Indispensable Knowledge …, 2012
Embeddedness and perceived oneness: Examining the effects of job embeddedness and its trajectory on employee proactivity via an identification perspective.
JJ Li, TR Mitchell, TW Lee, MB Eberly, L Shi
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (6), 1020, 2022
When do turnover intentions fuel workplace deviance? A cross-cultural investigation
D Liu, MB Eberly
Academy of management proceedings 2014 (1), 12635, 2014
Follower reactions to leader affect: How emotion valence and sincerity shape leader effectiveness
MB Eberly, CT Fong
Unpublished dissertation. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, 2010
Egocentric reciprocity and the role of friendship and anger
XP Chen, MB Eberly, DG Bachrach, K Wu, Q Qu
The Journal of Social Psychology 157 (6), 720-735, 2017
A multilevel study on the role of team turnover for stayers’ turnover intention
A Sender, MB Eberly, B Staffelbach
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 10431, 2016
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Articles 1–20