Jay Hartzell
Jay Hartzell
Dean, Trammell Crow Regents Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
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Institutional investors and executive compensation
JC Hartzell, LT Starks
The journal of finance 58 (6), 2351-2374, 2003
Why do firms hold so much cash? A tax-based explanation
CF Foley, JC Hartzell, S Titman, G Twite
Journal of financial economics 86 (3), 579-607, 2007
Active institutional shareholders and costs of monitoring: Evidence from executive compensation
A Almazan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
Financial management 34 (4), 5-34, 2005
What's in it for me? CEOs whose firms are acquired
JC Hartzell, E Ofek, D Yermack
The Review of Financial Studies 17 (1), 37-61, 2004
Explaining corporate governance: Boards, bylaws, and charter provisions
S Gillan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
Weinberg center for corporate governance working paper, 2003
The impact of CEO turnover on equity volatility
MC Clayton, JC Hartzell, J Rosenberg
The Journal of Business 78 (5), 1779-1808, 2005
Explicit versus implicit contracts: Evidence from CEO employment agreements
SL Gillan, JC Hartzell, R Parrino
The Journal of Finance 64 (4), 1629-1655, 2009
Firms’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) choices, performance and managerial motivation
S Gillan, JC Hartzell, A Koch, LT Starks
Unpublished working paper 10, 2010
Tradeoffs in corporate governance: Evidence from board structures and charter provisions
SL Gillan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
The Quarterly Journal of Finance 1 (04), 667-705, 2011
The effect of corporate governance on investment: evidence from real estate investment trusts
JC Hartzell, L Sun, S Titman
Real Estate Economics 34 (3), 343-376, 2006
Market reaction to public information: The atypical case of the Boston Celtics
GW Brown, JC Hartzell
Journal of Financial Economics 60 (2-3), 333-370, 2001
Institutional investors as monitors of corporate diversification decisions: Evidence from real estate investment trusts
JC Hartzell, L Sun, S Titman
Journal of Corporate Finance 25, 61-72, 2014
The role of corporate governance in initial public offerings: evidence from real estate investment trusts
JC Hartzell, JG Kallberg, CH Liu
The Journal of Law and Economics 51 (3), 539-562, 2008
On enhancing shareholder control: A (Dodd‐) Frank assessment of proxy access
JB Cohn, SL Gillan, JC Hartzell
The Journal of Finance 71 (4), 1623-1668, 2016
Industries, investment opportunities, and corporate governance structures
SL Gillan, JC Hartzell, LT Starks
Unpublished working paper, 2003
Alternative benchmarks for evaluating mutual fund performance
JC Hartzell, T Mühlhofer, SD Titman
Real Estate Economics 38 (1), 121-154, 2010
The role of the underlying real asset market in REIT IPOs
JC Hartzell, JG Kallberg, CH Liu
Real Estate Economics 33 (1), 27-50, 2005
Is there a disposition effect in corporate investment decisions? Evidence from real estate investment trusts
AD Crane, JC Hartzell
Evidence from Real Estate Investment Trusts (July 16, 2010), 2010
Getting the incentives right: Backfilling and biases in executive compensation data
SL Gillan, JC Hartzell, A Koch, LT Starks
The Review of Financial Studies 31 (4), 1460-1498, 2018
Whats in it for me? CEOs whose firms are acquired
JC Hartzell, E Ofek, D Yermack
Review of Financial Studies 17 (1), 37-37, 2004
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Articles 1–20