Ricarda Schubotz
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Cited by
Prediction, cognition and the brain
A Bubic, DY Von Cramon, RI Schubotz
Frontiers in human neuroscience 4, 1094, 2010
The brain differentiates human and non-human grammars: functional localization and structural connectivity
AD Friederici, J Bahlmann, S Heim, RI Schubotz, A Anwander
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (7), 2458-2463, 2006
Brain correlates of aesthetic judgment of beauty
T Jacobsen, RI Schubotz, L Höfel, DY Cramon
Neuroimage 29 (1), 276-285, 2006
Prediction of external events with our motor system: towards a new framework
RI Schubotz
Trends in cognitive sciences 11 (5), 211-218, 2007
Time perception and motor timing: a common cortical and subcortical basis revealed by fMRI
RI Schubotz, AD Friederici, DY Von Cramon
Neuroimage 11 (1), 1-12, 2000
Functional–anatomical concepts of human premotor cortex: evidence from fMRI and PET studies
RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Neuroimage 20, S120-S131, 2003
Hierarchical artificial grammar processing engages Broca's area
J Bahlmann, RI Schubotz, AD Friederici
Neuroimage 42 (2), 525-534, 2008
Functional organization of the lateral premotor cortex: fMRI reveals different regions activated by anticipation of object properties, location and speed
RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Cognitive brain research 11 (1), 97-112, 2001
Predicting events of varying probability: uncertainty investigated by fMRI
KG Volz, RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Neuroimage 19 (2), 271-280, 2003
Sequences of abstract nonbiological stimuli share ventral premotor cortex with action observation and imagery
RI Schubotz, DY Von Cramon
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (24), 5467-5474, 2004
Variants of uncertainty in decision-making and their neural correlates
KG Volz, RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Brain research bulletin 67 (5), 403-412, 2005
Intentional control of attention: Action planning primes action-related stimulus dimensions
S Fagioli, B Hommel, RI Schubotz
Psychological research 71, 22-29, 2007
Predicting perceptual events activates corresponding motor schemes in lateral premotor cortex: an fMRI study
RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Neuroimage 15 (4), 787-796, 2002
Interval and ordinal properties of sequences are associated with distinct premotor areas
RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Cerebral Cortex 11 (3), 210-222, 2001
Dynamic anticipatory processing of hierarchical sequential events: a common role for Broca's area and ventral premotor cortex across domains?
CJ Fiebach, RI Schubotz
Cortex 42 (4), 499-502, 2006
Premotor cortex in observing erroneous action: an fMRI study
S Manthey, RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Cognitive Brain Research 15 (3), 296-307, 2003
Thinking about the future versus the past in personal and non-personal contexts
A Abraham, RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon
Brain research 1233, 106-119, 2008
Why am I unsure? Internal and external attributions of uncertainty dissociated by fMRI
KG Volz, RI Schubotz, DY Von Cramon
Neuroimage 21 (3), 848-857, 2004
Auditory what, where, and when: a sensory somatotopy in lateral premotor cortex
RI Schubotz, DY von Cramon, G Lohmann
Neuroimage 20 (1), 173-185, 2003
Tuning‐in to the beat: Aesthetic appreciation of musical rhythms correlates with a premotor activity boost
K Kornysheva, DY von Cramon, T Jacobsen, RI Schubotz
Human brain mapping 31 (1), 48-64, 2010
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Articles 1–20