Shannon T. Carton
Cited by
Cited by
Toward a further understanding of students' emotional responses to classroom injustice
RM Chory, SM Horan, ST Carton, ML Houser
Communication Education 63 (1), 41-62, 2014
Student civility in the college classroom: Exploring student use and effects of classroom citizenship behavior
SA Myers, ZW Goldman, J Atkinson, H Ball, ST Carton, MF Tindage, ...
Communication Education 65 (1), 64-82, 2016
College students’ psychological well-being and interaction involvement in class
ST Carton, AK Goodboy
Communication Research Reports 32 (2), 180-184, 2015
Testing leader–member exchange theory as a lens to understand students’ classroom justice perceptions and antisocial communication
SM Horan, RM Chory, ST Carton, E Miller, PCJ Raposo
Communication Quarterly 61 (5), 497-518, 2013
Discouraging instructional dissent and facilitating students' learning experiences through instructor self-disclosure
AK Goodboy, ST Carton, ZW Goldman, TA Gozanski, WJC Tyler, ...
Southern Communication Journal 79 (2), 114-129, 2014
A diary examination of romantic and sexual partners withholding affectionate messages
ST Carton, SM Horan
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 31 (2), 221-246, 2014
Priest as teacher II: Understanding priests’ communicative misbehaviors
SM Horan, PCJ Raposo, ST Carton
Communication Quarterly 62 (1), 18-35, 2014
Assessing college student use of anti-citizenship classroom behavior: Types, reasons, and association with learning outcomes
SA Myers, ZW Goldman, H Ball, ST Carton, J Atkinson, MF Tindage, ...
Communication Teacher 29 (4), 234-251, 2015
Unfair instructors and student emotional and behavioral responses: The classroom justice process
RM Chory, SM Horan, ST Carton, ML Houser
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 13920, 2014
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Articles 1–9